The Edit Alaverdyan Podcast

Dr. Yunona Hagopjanian | Vaccines | Immunization | Natural Health | The Edit Alaverdyan Podcast #12

Edit Alaverdyan Episode 12

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Discover the multifaceted world of vaccine discourse with Dr. Yunona Hagopjanian, whose expertise in both natural health and clinical thermography guides us through a labyrinth of medical insights and historical perspectives. Unravel the layers of vaccine efficacy, the natural versus traditional medicinal debate, and the crucial role of community in health choices. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a masterclass in critical thinking and informed decision-making, with a spotlight on the often overlooked interplay between environmental toxins, nutrition, and disease prevention.

Join me as we traverse the landscape of health interventions, from the history of immunity practices to the modern challenges of information overload. Dr. Yunona deftly addresses the contentious issue of vaccine side effects, the legalities post-National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, and the importance of transparent healthcare information. We swap stories that underscore the power of personal research, share strategies for natural health, and discuss the implications of genetic and environmental factors on our well-being.

In a poignant reflection on the essence of healthcare, we emphasize the strength found in community support, particularly for those pursuing alternative health paths. This episode is a testament to the collective wisdom and unity that empower us to navigate the complexities of health choices for our families. Dr. Yunona not only sheds light on the vaccination debate but also uplifts the spirit of shared knowledge, leaving us with a deeper understanding and a renewed sense of agency in our health journeys.

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Speaker 1:

I was on the other side. I was on the side of this is what medical community is saying. This is what we were studying in medical school and this is what I should go by. Right when I started seeing first parent who told me that no, there are a lot of side effects, I'm like okay, where do I go? So I just got an insert. You can just get an insert and check the insert Side effects are all there.

Speaker 2:

They were telling my mom that it's going to prevent her from getting ovarian cancer. They had almost convinced my mom. She's such a sharp, intelligent woman. She's like no, no, no, we're not going to put this in my daughter's body.

Speaker 1:

Every year using GMO on the fields. It mingles with the gene in there, so it's not the same gene anymore.

Speaker 2:

They did studies that coffee. The more coffee you consume, the less you are prone to getting Alzheimer's disease.

Speaker 1:

You can bind heavy metals from the rest of the body, but from brain it's very hard to bind it.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone, thank you for joining me today. Today's episode is something that I've been really wanting to portray and I really wanted to invite someone who shares really good insight, information, has a lot of data and research to back up her statements, not just opinions, of course. I wanted to bring this guest because she is somebody very powerful in the community. She's someone who has worked with Dr Fauci as a first aid medical doctor. She is a medical doctor herself, but she's worked internationally with humans and associations trying to recreate a better and healthier living. I'm talking about Dr Yunona Hakobjanyan. I want to read to you all her credibility and her medical studies and her information from the script that I wrote, because it's so long, and I think that it's important that I portray this so that you know that when you're listening to the podcast, you're not just listening to somebody who has opinions, but you're listening to somebody who has broadened, but you're listening to somebody who has broadened data, research and facts. Dr Hakob Janjan graduated from Yerevan State Medical University in Armenia in 1990 with a medical doctorate degree. Since then, she has completed courses and training as a natural health professional, nutritional wellness consultant and certified clinical thermographer. She is the owner and founder of Global Solutions Foundation. She is wonderful and a wealth of knowledge.

Speaker 2:

This episode particularly was all about vaccinations. We had a doctor on who was very pro-vaccine. This doctor, I wouldn't clarify and I wouldn't state her as anti, but she did bring in a lot of research about vaccine damages for the other side, which I think a lot of parents have been really waiting to hear about. So this episode, you're going to hear a lot about the ingredients, you're going to hear a lot about the vaccine damages. You're going to hear about websites that hold vaccine damages and so on and so forth. So very informative. But I do want to disclose that this episode is not an opinion. It's not advice if parents should or should not get vaccinations. It's purely knowledge for your knowledge, so that you can decide whether vaccinations are right for your child or not. Enjoy this episode and I hope you take a lot from this with Dr Yunona Hakobchanian.

Speaker 2:

Hello Hi, dr. Help me, help me. Yunona, yunona, I always try to like pronounce it. How do you spell it? It's Y-N-O-N-A, y-u-n-o-n-a. Yunona, yunona, I always try to like pronounce it. How do you spell it? It's Y-N-O-N-H, right? Y-u-n-o-n-a. Yunona, do you want me to call you Dr Hakob Chanian or Dr Yunona?

Speaker 1:

What's more comfortable for you Doesn't matter. Yunona is better, okay.

Speaker 2:

So it's such an honor to have you here today. Thank you, anxiously waiting for this conversation with you because I think this is something that's dear for a lot of people in our communities, and I've had podcasts where I've dealt with doctors who are very pro, and I also wanted to speak to a doctor who also is educated in the other side, which is maybe certain damages that have been caused data research. I think it's important to have both sides of the stories to present so that people have a better understanding of what's really going on and not just taking one side.

Speaker 2:

And it's better for me too. I get to learn from you today. So, thank you for accepting my invitation.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for inviting me. Absolutely, it's an honor to be here. Yes, before we get started, I would want to do my disclosure. You know, because I was educated in Armenia as a doctor of epidemiology, so I was brainwashed double on all the issues infectious diseases and vaccines and all of that two times more than any other doctor. And I have medical degree, of course, but I'm not licensed in United States. I'm not planning to be licensed here. I don't want to do that. And because I'm working all over the world, you know there is no point for me to do that. And since I'm not licensed in United States, I can't give advice on anything, but I can educate people. So this is what we're going to do today.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so tell me, what is it exactly that you want to educate people on? What is it that we're lacking in today's society? What we're lacking.

Speaker 1:

We're used to looking at everything that is presented to us. We became lazy in checking information. We became lazy in checking information. We became lazy. You know. You provide link to someone and they just look at the headline of the link. They don't even go inside of that link to read the whole information in there. I'm not even saying to go and look at the other side, which happened with me for a long, long time. You know, in medical school I was educated that vaccines are good and let's go to the history of that. They're good. The theory behind it is actually the principle behind it is very good principle. The principle was if the cow is getting some infectious disease, having a little bit of that of those antigens you know injected into a human would help to cause the reaction in you know, milder form than it would cause the real disease. And having that reaction would train the body to have that, to have the immunity, to have better immunity. So the principle was that.

Speaker 2:

That's where it originated from. That's how it originated.

Speaker 1:

It was called inoculation, immunization. It wasn't called vaccine at that time, you know, and they were very good. They were very good help too, because in medieval times, you know, most of the children were dying from infectious diseases. Of course there is a point of municipality in there. You know what the municipality? We know how the water. You know people were lacking water. They didn't have, it wouldn't come through the pipes, it wasn't cleaned. Because we have actually I have statistics on that how, after World War II, the municipal water, they started treating it with chlorine and how the mortality from infectious diseases went down.

Speaker 2:

Oh my went down.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my, so that it was. It was parallel, going parallel to the. You know I didn't bring that, that was, that was actually what opened my eyes. I thought if municipal water, you know, treated with chlorine, would make mortality rate going down like that and it was exactly the same line going down with the mortality, you know, from infectious diseases, then it means it affected it. Now they're saying correlation is not causation, meaning that when we correlate like that, that doesn't mean it's a cause of that. Yeah, but that's one of the reasons that would affect, right, so it's not only the chlorine in water, of course. After war, during war, we know, there was a lot of typhus going on because of the lies, because people didn't have enough soap, you know, to shower and all of that. All of these issues are reasons for they didn't have enough good nutrition, they didn't have good food, you know, to provide for the body, and body, of course, wouldn't be able to fight infectious diseases. Why we have malaria so prominent, you know, in African countries, because they don't have good nutrition.

Speaker 2:

Nutrition is lacking, it's not only how the immunity is formed.

Speaker 1:

Of course the immunity is formed through good nutrition first of all, you know. Clean water, hygiene. All of these are factors that would be affecting that. It's not only the virus that would come into the body. Actually, the viruses could be. You know, it's a training of the body against any foreign body that would be coming into the body later on.

Speaker 1:

There was actually, there was something that I paid attention to it. It used, they used to do it. I'm not sure if they're doing now. I didn't follow it for a long time. So there was a clinic in Florida where people were actually on the waiting list because anyone who had leukemia and knew about that clinic they would go get the. I think it was smallpox inoculation to get rid of leukemia. Now, I'm not saying that it would treat leukemia, but there was a waiting list because people knew how much it helps. Why? Because high temperatures like that high fever that is caused by all these childhood diseases, you know it helps with getting rid of cancer tumors. Why, how, we don't know yet you know, but very high fever.

Speaker 1:

There was a doctor hold on, it was Huxley Dr Huxley in 1950s. Huxley, dr Huxley in 1950s. He noticed that with his patients that were coming to his clinic, the ones that had high fever diseases, would get rid of cancer. Now he had different cancers and there is not a lot of research on it. But he noticed something, you know, so he started researching that and on some patients he started inoculating them with which is the highest fever you know, causing very fast is malaria, because it's malaria happens very fast and you know from the point he would check them to see if they got rid of cancer to the point where they were dying from malaria. It was a very short time so it was very hard to catch it. He lost a few patients and he got shut down but no one continued that research, you know.

Speaker 1:

And recently there are clinics actually in Europe. It's very well known. It's called hyperthermia. Hyperthermia is actually FDA-approved treatment, but not in its original way In this country. In this country, in the United States, if you go to the FDA website website, they they say hypertermia and they talk about it, but the way it was approved to be used in United States not to have a sauna which we they have in a lot of German clinics in Mexico we use that sauna as, so they put people into the sun and having very high temperature. I'm talking about 102 temperature, which is not good to use. I'm not telling anyone to do that at home, to try it at home, but it needs to be under supervision of the doctor of the clinic because temperatures like that could cause heart attack.

Speaker 1:

All of these issues Seizures so that's why we need to be very careful about natural treatments are good, but don't forget that it's also a science. It's a whole science. So they are used to get rid of the cancer tumors. Also, cancer cells can survive in very high temperatures. There are theories like that that are also proven by effective treatments like that.

Speaker 2:

I was going to add to that that in today's medical field too, there are certain homeopathic doctors that really calm the parents down when there is a fever of a hundred or 102 and they reassure you that it's actually a good thing that a child has a fever not to the extent where it's unmanageable and the child is burning, but sometimes it's very useful right, not Not only useful, it trains the immune system of the body, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I would remark that you know homeopathic doctors. I don't support homeopathy. I'm sorry Because to me, you know, classic homeopathy has only 200 years of history. I prefer to rely on longer history.

Speaker 2:

You know, like that.

Speaker 1:

Ancient, ancient. I wouldn't say it's not helpful, but you know there are a lot of issues there that are not very good for the body, so I wouldn't. You know, natural is very different from homeopathy.

Speaker 2:

Can you tell us the difference? I think a lot of parents would appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

I'm against any chemicals that are used in the you know, any chemicals that are like you can't really use mercury to get rid of mercury.

Speaker 2:

Oh my yes.

Speaker 1:

They dilute it so much that, but that dilution still brings you, you know, still. It's still in there. So they might say, oh, you don't understand how it works, but I have so many things to use that have 6,000 years of history, why would I use something that has only 200 and that is still using bad elements in there? You know, bad minerals.

Speaker 2:

So the difference between natural and homeopathic is there is a huge difference. There is a huge difference. Yeah, yeah, what's the natural and what's the homeopathic?

Speaker 1:

Well, natural is. God told us it's. It's in the Bible, it's in the scripture. He says I give you seeds and herbs to correct any ailments that you have. It's in Genesis and that's what our grandmothers in Egyptian time. That's what they use, like turmeric and rosemary, which is called now non-traditional, but until 1913 in United States that was traditional and very helpful and incredibly useful until today. Yeah, we use like one drop of, let's say, the essential oil. But that's from. It's so effective, it's very effective.

Speaker 1:

It's a lot more effective than you'll have pills. The problem is. Another problem is that people might not see that effect is because, you know, I just recently saw that with my own eyes. You know, people are buying a lot of stuff at the Whole Foods thinking that it's a health food market and you know we had colloidal silver.

Speaker 1:

People know that it's good antibiotic and you know it's good to use it. The colloidal silver that I use it's 2,000 parts per milliliter, the ones that they sell at the Whole Foods, and it's a good company. Silver and Silver, I think, is the one that's the most you know, the best quality company. But they put a cap on the effectiveness of the products that you can sell to them. They wouldn't accept 2,000 parts colloidal silver. I mean, of course it's liability, it's all because people come and they get it from the shelf. They don't know how to use it. It still needs to be. You know, you need to be educated on how to use all of that too, so it's compromised.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, so that's why they compromise, but the result of that compromise is that people get disappointed Because when they buy colloidal silver that has only 10 parts 10, compared to 2,000 that we're using, you know how are you going to have the same effect. You're not going to have anything.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. And I'll add on to that that in today's society people are very, very locked into instant gratification, like they want instant results where natural might take a little bit more time because it builds and but everything else is just instant. So you get used to that instant.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's like fever. You know not a lot of people will make effort to put vinegar underneath the feet or use an essential oil or a cold bath. They'll use the Tylenol and the Motrin to subside it.

Speaker 1:

So realizing that all that fever. You know God, who created everything and us, I don't think he made the mistake making childhood diseases right. It was done for a reason and the reason is for the body to be trained so much that it would recognize any foreign substance that is coming into the body, not at the time that it went through all the body into the brain, and then only body would be starting fighting against it, which we see now. A lot with all the aluminum, with all the neurotoxins that we have that are used in vaccines, right? So all of that time is lost because we suppressed the immune system. We suppressed the immune system doing what it's not supposed to do. Actually, you know and yeah, coming back to your question, your original question what's natural?

Speaker 1:

in homeopathy no before that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we had another question before that it's so natural in conversations From inoculation.

Speaker 1:

You know from inoculation how we came to the point now. So they started inoculating people, public, and it was pretty much very effective. You know, until they started inoculating majority of the public, which you would need to transport now all of these substances right, and In order to be able to be transportable you would need to add preservatives and adjuvants and all of that. So that's how it all started. It got worse.

Speaker 1:

And it got worse and worse and worse until, in you know, before 1986. The problem was that you know all these manufacturers of vaccines. They were getting a lot of lawsuits against them. They were paying out a lot of money.

Speaker 2:

That's why they applied to the you know public health institutions here and they decided they were getting lawsuits because of damages, because of damages that they were causing In 1986. Before 1986. Before 1986.

Speaker 1:

That's why the act was. You know it was national. I forgot how it was called.

Speaker 2:

I think I have it too yeah. It was in 1986 where there was a jurisdiction passed correct.

Speaker 1:

National Childhood Vaccine.

Speaker 2:

Injury Act.

Speaker 1:

That was you know before that. I mean, imagine you're producing something Like right now they're producing medications, right, they're producing drugs. And every five years we see a new drug came out. Ozempic came out. Now everyone is on Ozempic and it's you know it's damaging body so much, oh my gosh. Now lawsuits already started against it, severe mental health issues are arising from everything.

Speaker 1:

It damages liver, it damages the pancreatic, you know pancreas. So this is the same, like that. Imagine the vaccines were like that. You know, they research something, they come out with that and then they start the injecting you injecting children and people with that and a few years later they start having lawsuits. So they applied and public health institutions decided because it's a public health issue, they decided why don't we pass the Immunity Act? Practically, you know, pass the Immunity Act. Practically, that National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act became Immunity Act for the manufacturing, for the manufacturers of vaccines, meaning that the lawsuits against them are not going to be paid by them, but they're going to be paid by the government with our taxes. So that's what? Because?

Speaker 1:

And years ago, they don't have it anymore on their website. But you would go there and you would be amazed at how much payouts they were giving to people. And why is it not there anymore? The total amount is not there anymore. They don't because people would go on the website and see billions of dollars were paid out. It means that it's not good, right? Something? Something's off, something's off. Yeah, if it was good, why would they have payouts like that? It means they are. You know, something is damaging too many damages for that is damaging too many damages for that that, considering that not every doctor knows how to claim the injury, after you claim the injury, it's only two years when they accept it. So if it's past two years, then it's not accepted anymore.

Speaker 2:

So there's a statute of limitation on these.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, there are a lot. I mean a statute of limitation on these. Oh yeah, there are a lot.

Speaker 2:

I mean a statute of limitation on a lot of necrococcus. Yeah, almost everything.

Speaker 1:

So that's what you know and that's why it's considered by the average calculation that it's only one of 10 were getting paid. You know, because the other nine didn't know on time to apply, didn't know at all that they can apply.

Speaker 2:

Well, it takes time, doesn't it? Yeah, for instance, if there's, I don't know, is there data and research that autism is caused?

Speaker 1:

Oh, there is a lot of data. There is a lot of data by the time the child I mean the child is diagnosed after two years old, correct?

Speaker 2:

It's noticeable after two.

Speaker 1:

It takes time. It takes time. So how's the parent? Going to file any court case, it's a statute of limitation.

Speaker 2:

You're going to run out of time by the time your child's diagnosed with this.

Speaker 1:

So those are the main issues that the problem still exists and it's not. You know, if there was any drug that would cause so much damage, people would know and wouldn't use it for a long time. Plus, what is the plus of that act for the manufacturers is the public health is the one advertising their product. What is in these MMRs? What's the worst now probably is aluminum, that is, you know, that is neurotoxin. They used to have mercury more and mercury was in the amount that was 10,000 more than what we have in the food. Why do we need mercury?

Speaker 2:

though I don't get it. Why do we need aluminum and mercury in these vaccines?

Speaker 1:

So these metals they are because see the natural immunity. Let's say the child got chicken pox right as a disease. They got infected with that as a disease After they are healed from chicken pox and the mortality rate from all these diseases when they get it in a childhood it's very low. I mean, I'm talking about united states you know, civilized countries, because pretty much we have better hygiene, better food you know we have all of that, so that's why the mortality rate is very low.

Speaker 1:

By the way, all the uh, all the you know people who are supporting vaccines 100, which I'm not saying I'm supporting vaccines, but not 100%. I support the ones that are healthy and good for the, you know, without adjuvants, which pretty much doesn't exist anymore today. So these people, you know, are saying oh see, the rate of the disease went down, correct, it decreased after vaccines. It decreased after vaccines. It decreased after vaccines. But we're not shooting for that. We're shooting for the mortality rate to be down, not the disease rate to be down, because we need those diseases we need. When children get them when they're little, it's a lot easier for them to overcome those diseases and what they gain as a result of that is lifetime immunity.

Speaker 2:

I remember doctor when I had chicken pox. It was not even that.

Speaker 1:

No, it's most of the children. We had it in Armenia.

Speaker 2:

We had it, yeah, and we took it so well. I mean, my mom took care of us with proper nutrition, nurture, yeah, but it was just a week, yeah, a week of just itching. But I think what's going on in today's society? They really have put a different definition to illnesses like this, where, oh my God, it's hurtful, it's harmful, they're going to compromise other people's health and there's death, and it's just. There's a lot of scare in parents and that's why more parents don't know what to do, so they fall into it. Let me just vaccine and get it over with. On top of that, there's the no vaccine law. What doctor do you go to when you need care for your child?

Speaker 1:

it's you're shut down from everywhere yeah, yeah, it's very hard in today's society to raise healthy children.

Speaker 1:

I agree with that. Yeah, so what they're doing is the mortality rate pretty much doesn't exist. You know, from infectious disease with children who are not vaccinated. The ones who get vaccinated, that immunity lasts very short time, seven to 10 years. So let's say they get vaccinated when they are seven, which is one of the right, so in 10 years they're 17. If they get that, if they get the disease, you know, if they get infected at 17, it's a lot harder on the body than it was then and then mortality rate is higher.

Speaker 1:

So what they were trying to do is they would put adjuvants there to delay the time of when the immunity still works. You know, and that's where aluminum is coming from. Now they have aluminum instead of mercury. Which mercury? That was Kennedy who did a lot of work on it. Tamarisol, you know. And if you ever seen that, you know I was once at Rite Aid and they dropped the mercury thermometer which are outlawed now you can only get them as a vintage thermometer which were very reliable. And you know, and everyone knew that if it's mercury, you know, then it's dangerous, it hazmat Right away. They would cover the whole store with hazmat.

Speaker 1:

You know this yellow things and they wouldn't allow anyone to go there. But to put it inside of a tiny baby, it was okay, right? Or they have in every store, grocery store where they sell big fish. They have the notice there that you know it's toxic. Why are we going too?

Speaker 2:

far. What about pregnancy? You're not allowed to eat sushi fish because of the mercury. So it's okay for a pregnant woman not to consume, but you're putting in a child.

Speaker 1:

If we consume, when we're consuming it, it's 10,000 less per particle of the body that comes into the body. On top of that, the body would be able to get rid of it because it goes through the stomach. So we have a lot of preventive. You know mechanisms before it goes into the blood system, right Bloodstream, with the vaccines they're injected. So it goes into the bloodstream very fast. And with aluminum what we got, you know the body has like five different gatekeepers in the body. Right, it was stomach, it was this and that Another one, the main one that is getting under a lot of attacks now, it's blood-brain barrier. So there are a lot of particles that wouldn't be able to go through blood-brain barrier, but aluminum does.

Speaker 1:

Does yes, and that's what the main thing, and usually the binders that we're using for heavy metals, they don't go through the blood-brain barrier. That's why in the brain, whatever went there, it stays there unless you use specific and they're called nootropics. We've seen a lot of results with the CBG oil that you know now and I have special coffee I have. I have it, you know, for cognitive health.

Speaker 2:

The mushroom coffee? No, not mushroom, not the lion's mane.

Speaker 1:

Nootropic. No, I didn't like the taste. I'm very picky about the taste of the coffee. Yeah, I love coffee a lot, so it's very good for cognitive health, you know, for sharpness.

Speaker 2:

I read it at a recent data. I read that they did studies that the more coffee you consume, the less you are prone to getting Alzheimer's disease. Exactly yeah, which was really interesting. I was like wow.

Speaker 1:

And aluminum is very, very connected to Alzheimer's disease. We have epidemics of Alzheimer's now and they're saying, oh no, because we live longer. No, you know all blue zones that we know people are living longer than people are living here. Here is 80 years. You know most of the people Over there. You know in the blue zones it's more than 100. That's true and they're all cognitively very well healthy.

Speaker 1:

You know they're not unhealthy like people here. Yeah, so that's what makes you and I always think, tell people you know, remember what your grandmas were saying, remember how your grandmas were living. And every time they're saying, oh, there's so much information that is coming from this side, from that side, you don't know who to believe in. Everything, right, it's in politics, it's in medicine, it's in everywhere. So how to know In medicine, it's really nutrition. It's in everywhere, in every. So how to know In medicine it's really in nutrition. It's very easy, you know. Go back to where people using it all. This time, you know, in 6,000 years. And now Do you want to take the phone?

Speaker 2:

call. No, it's fine, we have people answer phone calls here. I have a question, if it's okay, I want to kind of dive into these, the vaccine world, a little bit, because I know a question. If it's okay, I want to kind of dive into the vaccine world a little bit because I know a lot of parents are very curious about this. How many vaccines are there now? Because I was reading 50, but I know it's not 50. It has to be like close to 78 now that children consume have to. Is it 78? 72?

Speaker 1:

were approved. I didn't check on that, you know right now, but 72 were approved 72 are approved, but then in a pipeline they have close to 100. And that's including, like Gardasil and all those that would be. Yeah, that would be.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, gardasil is not mandatory. It's not so it's part of the hundred, but it's on the way there. Yeah, yeah, because they're convincing. You know it's not mandatory, but if they come and show video to the young you know, girls 12, 10, 12 years old that they're going to get cervical cancer if they don't get that vaccine, they will be scared enough to go do it themselves and if their parents are against it, they would be hiding it from their parents. So that's the propaganda machine is very bad.

Speaker 2:

It's very scary because I remember going to my doctors when I was, I think, 11. I had just came from Armenia and we were going and they were trying to convince my mom and I think Gardasil had just came out. This is 37 years ago. They were telling my mom that it's going to prevent her from getting ovarian cancer and they had almost convinced my mom.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm so grateful that she's such a sharp, intelligent woman. She's like no, no, no, we're not going to put this in my daughter's body, but there's a lot of parents who actually fall in that fear. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Unfortunately, fear makes you do a lot of mistakes and that's why, you know, our people have been pretty wise all this time. You know I'm talking about our community mostly. But then, good that each one of us need to do the best to open other people's eyes, and that's what you know. I had to go against my medical community at some point. Now a lot of people open their eyes and all of that, but each one of us, if I wouldn't do that, so many people wouldn't know about it, you know, wouldn't know about dangers, about the dangers, and there are so many things we can. You know, we know so much that we can transfer and spread to others my curiosity is what about the illnesses rates and the death rates?

Speaker 2:

I mean they, when you go into the doctor's office they make it seem like polio is such a big deal, but then when you look at the data and the research you're like how rare is it for a child to get polio?

Speaker 1:

now, with polio is very interesting case because you know they changed the name, the term for the paralysis. Okay, and paralysis is caused by the vaccine itself. And I'm talking like that. I had my sister, my cousin, you know, in Armenia she's one of the top doctors and she was arguing with me on polio specifically. She was agreeing with me on all other vaccines that you know they're dangerous, they're causing a lot of side effects and damages, and all of that and unless it's an inoculation part, we shouldn't use the adjuvants, and all of that. And what opened her eyes was after, in Ukraine there was a what is it called Velvet revolution, soros revolution. You know they came close with United States From here. They brought, you know they started working very closely with CDC. I was working with CDC of United States.

Speaker 1:

I knew Fauci from long time ago because I was working as a first AIDS doctor in Armenia and at that time, by the way, propaganda was that everyone will be dying from AIDS, like we were dying from COVID a few years ago. Right, same was at that time. It was like 35 years ago, but that was my first impression of Fauci and again, it was the same fear tactics that they were using. At that time. It was AIDS. You know, same what happened with COVID. Just imagine same thing. We went through with AIDS and especially the doctors that were working with that.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, of the polio vaccines in Ukraine, and they had epidemics of polio right after the vaccination. You know before that they were not vaccinating that much. So all this supply of the vaccines was that you know that caused the epidemic. And she actually sent me that and she says this is what you were talking. I'm like, yeah, it's that's, you know it's, it causes it and they, most of the time it causes paralysis. That is, you know, not not called polio and that's why the statistic is not showing you that, that you know this is what it was caused by.

Speaker 2:

At one point there was a database where you can see correct is not showing you that you know this is what it was caused by.

Speaker 1:

At one point there was a database where you can see correct, like the damages and there is like, yeah, there is one, one is by the yeah, I have this because I don't remember all the websites. Of course I start printing on my computer, it opens up, but so the government site for that is Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.

Speaker 1:

That's what it's called yeah, and it's vaershhsgov. So that's the one. Now there is also a nonprofit organization which I really like and they have a lot of information on their websites. That's National Vaccine Information Center. It's NVICorg, you know, and the one is the is the Kennedy's site. It's Children'sHealthDefenseorg. So those are all you know. Those are main sites that people should use to. You know, I have a couple of articles on my blog. It's globalsolutionsfoundationorg.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to link everything, so everybody can.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can, and I can provide a lot of articles and graphs and tables. Actually, you know to the thing because at some point I was collecting all that information until I really it's so much information. There are so many articles that are. You know, it's on the peer-reviewed site on PubMed. There are so many articles.

Speaker 1:

Anyone who is doubting anything that we're talking about? That's what I'm saying. Even if you post links there, they just read the title. They don't go inside and kind of dig for the truth. That the truth is inside and in details usually and I'm not even talking about people from the other side, but then you know, I was on the other side, I was on the side of. This is what medical community is saying. This is what we were studying in medical school and this is what I should go by, right, okay. So when I started seeing first parent who told me that no, there are a lot of side effects, there are a lot more like, okay, where do I go? So I just got an insert of any vaccine. You can just get an insert and check the insert. Side effects are all there. People, when they're coming and they're saying I started taking thyroid medication and this is what happened. This, this happened to me. I'm like have you checked the? You know side effects of that medication.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it goes straight to the liver. Yeah, it hits the liver and more thyroid issues.

Speaker 1:

You know that's the reason you have it all Okay, but when we you know I need it, that's another conversation then. Then I would educate on you know the alternatives, what we can do. But on the you know, look on the other side, look and go and check the articles. Like a lot of times in conversations I present the link and they're not even looking in there. It's obvious that you know they don't even check. They say you didn't present any proof. I'm like here is the link, you just need to read it. What kind of proof? That's the problem, that's the problem People became lazy.

Speaker 2:

Lazy, instant gratification.

Speaker 1:

I am saying bamba soh, gossiping, Gossip is the worst thing. First of all, I'm saying you know, gossip is a sin itself. Yes, gossip is a sin itself. The one who is spreading that gossip, that's even worse sin. You know, it's like a double sin. And lately I feel that's where we have problems in Armenia right now. Because of that, because people were listening to the gossip, they would never go check what was happening in this period of time, what was happening, Correct, or remember what you saw with your own eyes. I actually had a program on that about how, how to figure out. You know, remember with your own eyes. And that's why they say you can't really. You know parents, parents know the best because they've act, they got the vaccine and next day they know something is not right with their child oh my god, that's with their own eyes that breaks my heart because, I've seen so many parents like after and and this is not my opinion.

Speaker 2:

I've actually seen and heard people say this like after what is it the mmr? I think it's they. Just their child is just so different and they notice like such delay in their children and it breaks my heart to see people like this. So that's why it's very important to do research and listen to a podcast like this and listen to maybe pro too, if you're. If you confused, just look at from all the sides. Don't just base a decision off fear and threat there is a time and place for Western medicine.

Speaker 1:

It's you know, no matter how I love, naturally, and I always go by the principle do no harm, you know, but sometimes we need, we need just to measure benefit versus the damage ratio.

Speaker 1:

And that's what we were taught in our medical school. That's what they were teaching us to analyze, to analyze all sides, to analyze. That's what scientists does. We shouldn't be afraid of truth. We shouldn't be afraid of saying oh, you know what? I feel more comfortable here, Maybe I shouldn't go into there. Scientist is for us to find where it's not comfortable and go for the truth, Because from us a lot of people can be dependable on their health on their spiritual immunity, any kind of. You know the damages that they can have. I agree.

Speaker 2:

Now for the parents who are watching this that chose not to vaccinate their children, what are some proper protocol that they can take when traveling, Because you're you know, you're told that from, oh you know, when you travel to Mexico, your child's going to get sick, and what are the chances of survival rate? Well, this is this and this is that. So any advice as a medical provider, as a doctor, you can give. I love essential oils.

Speaker 1:

Me too, I love. I use them at almost.

Speaker 2:

What brand do you like?

Speaker 1:

Because it's easier to. I like doTERRA.

Speaker 2:

Me too. Yeah, I love doTERRA, doterra, young Living. I know they're very good, young Living too. It's a little pricier, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

I know how, because I used to buy at the Whole Foods. The smell was different from doTERRA, of course, but I have one friend who was I mean, you can apply and consume doTERRA too.

Speaker 2:

There's ones that you can apply topically and eat.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, that's why I like the more expensive brands right, it's expensive, but you know you don't use a lot of it. So one drop of it is already very powerful. And I have my friend who was a chemist at the Glendale Community College. She checked them in the lab.

Speaker 2:

When she told me the result, she says just throw away the ones that you got at the Whole Foods.

Speaker 1:

I know none of the reputable companies that I'm working with would have their products in Whole Foods or any other stores, actually Because, like I said, they put cap on the effectiveness on the therapeutic dose, so there is no, you wouldn't be able to find therapeutic dose in the store and it's just waste of money.

Speaker 2:

Which ones do you recommend for immunity and to build a stronger immune from the oils? The rosemary?

Speaker 1:

They have also. The clove oil is one of them. You know that's anti-inflammatory, very powerful one. Cinnamon oil is good because cinnamon oil is warming up, bringing, you know the, bringing the fighters, bringing the army into that place. Right, doterra has On Guard. I love On.

Speaker 2:

Guard On. Guard is… my children love it all the time it smells so good too.

Speaker 1:

I realized how powerful it is one time when I was, I think, I was in Dubai and I came back and my son says Mom, I got sick. So for me that was the worst thing that could happen when you know, when they get sick, when I'm not here. And then I said oh, I don't, you know, but I had at home, I had Angard at home. And my little one says yeah, I know, I gave it to him, to my older one, and I'm like, wow, how much they know how effective it is that you know. Now he's the one giving it to me without me knowing that.

Speaker 2:

So essential oils are good. What else do you recommend for the non-vaccine families?

Speaker 1:

The ivermectin now is. You know there is so much research coming out that, and you know, they were using it for malaria all the time, which is, you know, which is in third world countries.

Speaker 2:

Where can they get like the best ivermectin In Mexico, mexico.

Speaker 1:

Not here, it's not expensive, over there it's very, you know, but then, but then, uh, yeah, well, they, the only ones that are getting here, is the ones that they're having the uh, lupus and um and you know, autoimmune diseases, and there's so much of autoimmune disease spike.

Speaker 2:

Every other woman has a thyroid issue hashimoto's graves disease after correct. Or is it something else in the air? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I didn't see that much correlation to the vaccines, honestly as much as to the glyphosate and to the plastics that we're using. It's estrogen dominant. I'm doing thermography right Hormonal disruptors basically that's my main.

Speaker 1:

You know income, I do thermal imaging, so I see in the body how we get. You know, for any cancer to become a cancer, to become a tumor in the body, it takes 20 years on average, according to statistics on average, according to statistics. So before one cell becomes two cells and start multiplying, it's like 13 years passing before that. We see a lot of changes in the body before it happens. And now when one cell becomes two cells, you can't really identify, you can't really detect it in the body at that time. By the time mammogram or ultrasound are able to detect anything, the tumor needs to be half centimeter in size, right, and it already has billions of cells in there. And that happens again on average, because it's calculated that every cell, every you know size of the tumor doubles every 90 days. It's calculated with that On average. That's what's happening.

Speaker 1:

Of course there are cancers that are more aggressive and less aggressive, but on average this is what's happening. So by the time mammogram or ultrasound are able to detect half centimeter tumor, it's been seven years since it started growing. So when they call it early detection, how can it early detection when it's seven years past? Okay, so with tomography we see we can detect tumor, of course, but we see changes in the body that would be causing tumor. And then if you correct those changes, let's say it's lymphatic congestion, it's estrogen dominance. It's so easy to see it on thermography. Estrogen dominance is so prevailing now almost everyone has it Right. It's in the foods too all these pesticides, the plastics, plastics. Estrogen is affected because it has xenoestrogens, right. And you look around, everyone is drinking the bottled water, plastic bottled water.

Speaker 2:

It's so bad and it's been under the sun, God knows Exactly.

Speaker 1:

So all that bleaching into the water? That's the first reason. And with men, you think, okay, for men it's not. No, men get those xenoestrogens. Yes, so they get extra estrogen that they don't need to be there. And then we shouldn't be surprised we have so many LGBT people.

Speaker 2:

I was just going to tap into that, because I was going to say I want to talk about this because there's a huge phenomenon about this.

Speaker 1:

I feel like a girl, or you know, I feel when it's a boy I feel like a girl, of course, because he gets in vaccines. Yes, what do we get In vaccines? We get, so they grow vaccines on the fetal tissue, right. Aborted children's fetal tissue, yeah, fetal tissue, so they don't separate girl tissue from the boy tissue. It's just, it is what it is, it's all mixed up, right. So and we inject that DNA practically into the body. Which vaccine has that? All vaccines are growing. All vaccines have this Of that All vaccines are growing.

Speaker 2:

All vaccines have this. Of course, All vaccines are growing. Let's just say 100 of them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah you can't grow. How do you grow the substance of the vaccine without having the tissue?

Speaker 2:

What else is in there Besides the mercury, besides the heavy metals, besides the fecal? What is it?

Speaker 1:

Could have the formalin, formalin that they put a dead body into for it to preserve, you know.

Speaker 2:

Is this on the ingredients? Yes, yes, so they make it legible.

Speaker 1:

They just go. And why don't they? You know, if you ask at the doctor's office they might not give you the insert. Do they know? I'm sure they know Most of the doctors know they might not look at it carefully, they might not check each ingredient, like with the food. Now, right, they try to hide the ingredients. Now they try to hide it under scientific name.

Speaker 2:

that people wouldn't know what it means. Right, absolutely, and they're hiding it with different words.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, MC5, you know. So you need to go and check each ingredient to see what's in there, because you wouldn't know what. You know that that's how they started hiding now all this fetal tissue in there. So we get that fetal tissue into a boy that has DNA of a girl, and usually it's a tiny baby like this, but does that really alter their?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. There is no scientific study like that which would be done on how much. What is the amount of DNA that we can inject into someone for that someone to have features of the other gender? There is no study like that. So then, how do?

Speaker 2:

we know that is that though other gender.

Speaker 1:

There is no study like that. So then how do we know? That is that, though. Instead of sponsoring studies like that, they sponsor stupid studies like the frogs or something you know like, but then there is a study on the frogs, by the way, that the river where one of the factories were getting rid of the plastics and water you know that all had all these plastic ingredients in there. 70% of the frog became gay 70%.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, there's actual study like this.

Speaker 1:

There is a study like that, which studies like that they are supposed to do? So those are the plastics that were causing. You know that Of course we can't say only plastics. For it to have real scientific value, that study needs to also check, let's say the you know, peer review. It should be done in another river, in another location, for example.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, it also needs to be done what other factors could cause that.

Speaker 1:

You know, but that's already, you know, that's already. Uh, you know, that's already something to think so.

Speaker 2:

My curiosity is then where are we getting this information from if there are no actual studies besides the frog study that it's? It's a very, very um. Isn't it like a risky thing to kind of put out there that the gay and lesbians they're that way because of vaccines?

Speaker 1:

That would be one of the factors. Of course, because of the DNA chain, the vaccines then we were talking about plastic, right? So that xenoestrogen got into. You know it was a boy, it got vaccine first. That DNA already, let's say, affecting what we just say, roughly 10% I don't know how much it affects, right, 10% of the. It's called phenotype. You know that the genes are genotype and phenotype. It's how it's expressed, right, the gender is expressed. So let's say, 10% of that was altered through the vaccine. Another 20% is altered through the plastics, right? Another 20% is altered through propaganda that it's a better lifestyle. So now, it's right, it's more than 50% already. You're leaning towards the other gender. I'm giving very conservative numbers. I'm sure if studies like that would be better, but no one is interested.

Speaker 2:

Sorry guys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. No one is interested in doing study like that.

Speaker 2:

So, basically, then, what I'm understanding is that if you have a male, if that male is injected with female Sorry, is this off? Yeah, if he's injected with female DNA, there is a chance that the sexuality would switch over to more.

Speaker 1:

Of course there is a chance. How much? And I'm saying I was talking to one doctor. He says but you don't know that little amount, how much exactly? I don't know. If there is something in the scientific world that we don't know, why don't we research? You know, I don't know. And research it not the way sometimes they research it. They do it one-sided because, oh, manufacturers paid the money. You know, I remember I took my dog to um to veterinary long time ago he's 16 already when he was a puppy. You know he outlived his life, by the way, by four years now because of you.

Speaker 2:

What did you? Did you do? You didn't vaccinate him, did you?

Speaker 1:

I didn't vaccinate him after that, I can't handle you.

Speaker 2:

I didn't vaccinate him, it was the first time I took him, Just first, you know things.

Speaker 1:

And I asked her, I said do we have any studies on the? You know, she said the only studies that were done were done by manufacturers of the vaccines for pets and she says the longest study was done for seven years only. So if they live for 16 years and you don't with aluminum, for example, right, it's not going to be right away a fact that, oh, we vaccinated and right away they're going to have Alzheimer's. But it takes time. It takes time. Of course, it's accumulative and again, I'm telling people you're trying to stay away from foil, not to use it, right, because it's aluminum or aluminum pots, but you inject it in your body. But you inject it in your body and anything that we consume again goes through so many gates that would keep it from spreading more. But injecting it it goes into the bloodstream and from the blood, if it's a small particle, enough today with nanos, you know it's very easy to get into the blood brain, into the brain.

Speaker 1:

That's fascinating to me.

Speaker 2:

I want to go back to what we were talking about about, you know, fascinating to me. I want to go back to what we were talking about about you know how, if parents choose to not vaccinate their kids, what are some? Safety precautions they can take. So essential oils was one, there was another. What was that one?

Speaker 1:

Well, it's see, the vaccines themselves is not only danger. So, in order for not to be bombarded with other things, we're bombarded on every level right the air, the water, the food, everything. So to cleanse all the time. We need to cleanse the body all the time.

Speaker 2:

Is it safe for children as well?

Speaker 1:

to cleanse? Yeah, of course children need to do that. What are your recommendations? You know, like on everyday life with the spraying. Now, another thing that I noticed, by the way. Yeah, another thing that.

Speaker 2:

I noticed You're my kind of woman.

Speaker 1:

Well, because I see it in practice, I'm doing the thermography right Before we were doing you know thermography and some people would like 50% Before we were doing you know thermography and some people would like 50% of people that were coming, I would say their sinuses were clean. It started during COVID and now, until now I don't remember when if there was one person that had clean sinuses. I haven't seen that.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm struggling with it too. I'm sure you can tell yeah, it's easy to correct. Very easy to correct.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, I'll talk to you after yeah, yeah, so it's, but then you know, and again it's correcting is easy, but you're not correcting. Like you would correct it before. It would take a long time before you would have problem again. Now it's almost like weekly. We need to cleanse it all and with the vaccine.

Speaker 2:

I see what you're saying cleansing your body. Yeah, with the vaccine.

Speaker 1:

You know, it's not only the vaccine they can have. They can be injured and the body would be still able to get rid of all that damage?

Speaker 2:

Is it reversible? Are damages reversible? It is reversible, like autism. It depends, of course, on the level.

Speaker 1:

We can't do everything, but of course it depends on how soon you start, how soon you realize the damages that are there. What are the things that you're using, the damages that are there, what are the things that you're using? Because, again, you know you can bind heavy metals from the rest of the body, but from brain it's very hard to bind it. So that's why we need to use and I've seen CBG, the miracle. We had someone who couldn't-.

Speaker 2:

CBG oil, cbg CBG.

Speaker 1:

CBG is the one from the sprout. It's more expensive because they need to catch time between when it's grown into the sprout before it becomes adult plant.

Speaker 2:

Plus, it doesn't have the THC that makes it, you know, so for children it wouldn't be, of course.

Speaker 1:

So it's still in a sprout. You know time frame there. That's why it's more expensive.

Speaker 2:

There's different sprays and stuff that I've seen you spray under the tongue Zeolite. What does it have Like? Doesn't it have like margantzofgai in it, or something like that?

Speaker 1:

I don't know but zeolite. We need to be very careful with zeolite because usually it's mineral that you know. Taken from the mineral composition of the land, it could have a lot of lead. You need to check it for lead because, yeah, people got excited that it cleanses very well. It's very hard to find good zeolite.

Speaker 2:

So it's like you're cleansing of one thing but putting in another. Damage Exactly so you have to be mindful, yeah.

Speaker 1:

We need to be mindful of. You know, it's a lot of things. Like I said, the homeopathy is the same. I like Chinese herbs, but the way they're grown in China is a lot of heavy metals.

Speaker 2:

It is.

Speaker 1:

And again, we had a case when the girl, you know she had eczema all over her body in her childhood. She used everything until she came to Chinese herbalist and he gave her, you know, all these pills, capsules. And she was taking capsules. Everything was fine. And she got married. She started checking her body to see, you know they were. They wanted to have a baby, she wanted to make sure she's all healthy and her heavy metals went off the chart. You know they couldn't understand how can she have so many?

Speaker 1:

metals until they traced back to that, you know. So I use chinese herbs every time I do, but again, we use a lot of stuff together with that. So, to prevent it from so it needs to be complex, not only okay, you use zeolite, that's all. No, with zeolite, let's say, um, it binds the metals, right. It needs to have a way of getting out as soon as possible, not only the, you know. So the liver needs to be in good condition, the colon needs to be in good condition, it's all of that. That's why I'm saying, you know, and people, yeah, even healthy people, even the ones that are not damaged, what is today's the number one is the thing is glyphosate.

Speaker 2:

Yes, people are saying away from bread.

Speaker 1:

This is so bad, we need grains and then you see the whole society is like cuckoo cuckoo, because neurologically they are not normal. Cuckoo, cuckoo, they become cuckoo. Why? Because vitamin B, the b6, you know deficiency b6, b12, all that vitamin neurological, my god, yeah, no, but I'm talking neurological stuff, you know, and we get it from grains.

Speaker 2:

We need grains, we can't stay away from I actually took a bread making class, uh, and I make my own bread at home with.

Speaker 1:

I do too.

Speaker 2:

I just did today. Yeah, it's the best thing right.

Speaker 1:

Tatva Hamorok. Yes, there you go.

Speaker 2:

And my bread instructor has one, for she's been taking care of for over 12 years. So, imagine all like the amazing bacteria and that but anyway, I learned about grains and how like, how grains are stripped away. It's like an egg you sell the white part in the store and you sell the yellow part to all the beauty industries to make like retinol and all these other things. So how important it is to get like good grain to make your bread right, not just like whatever flour you see in the store.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the important part is that you know good grain, clean grain. Clean grain and as much authentic as possible, because every year using GMO on the fields, you know it mingles with the gene in there, so it's not the same gene anymore.

Speaker 2:

GMO does alter gene, doesn't it? I mean, it alters your everything.

Speaker 1:

Well, if again you know that yeah, if the the year after, you know, it was very interesting story from Armenia when and it actually that was when we were going to Artsakh you know, and all the way there we would see the stork nests on the, on the poles, you know, and we're asking tour guide you know what are these?

Speaker 1:

because from the far you can see it's a stork nest. He says there's a stork nest and there is a whole story about it. So, um, and you know how the Monsanto and Bill Gates company, how they were going into the India, he was, you know, he has so many lawsuits against him in India. Actually he was banned at some point of going there. So they were spreading their GMO seeds right. And so what, they would come and they would say you know, we have free seeds for you, do you want to get? And, of course, instead of getting seeds from imagine tomato, collecting them right and then planting them, it's easier to just get free seeds Correct. So our farmers were planting those seeds. Now, years later, they started noticing storks are not there anymore. Oh, and the wisdom of a farmer, the wisdom of a person who is dealing with soil all the time, because they know how the nature works.

Speaker 1:

They know how to they're close to god through doing that right, yes, and so they they are. They started tracing what happened. So what do? If storks are not there? It means there is no food for them. What do they eat? So they eat. How is it in English? I know only in.

Speaker 2:

Russian. Say it in Armenian. Maybe I'll. Grizun like mice, little mice, and oh yeah, yeah, yeah, little insects and little things, yeah, so. And little mice?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, little insects and little things yeah, and little mice are eating insects, right, and bugs. And they also remembered we haven't seen a lot of bugs lately on our fields, which is what GMO is doing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, of course GMO is intending to blow up their stomachs right.

Speaker 1:

Why the you know all of that. And that's what glyphosate is doing too. It's, you know, making holes in our stomach. And right, yes, that's what the you know it's supposed to blow up stomachs of the bugs and that's how it protects those seeds from being attacked by the bugs, but it also makes holes in our colon. I said stomach, anyway. So this is what you know, and they noticed that, and they said that happened after we planted those seeds. So those seeds are the problem, and then they started reversing. Of course, it's not easy to reverse.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I can imagine, and that's what the whole science of regenerative agriculture now.

Speaker 1:

So, I'm amazed with that.

Speaker 2:

Isn't it fascinating yeah.

Speaker 1:

My dream is to have Armenia having that.

Speaker 2:

Like your own land.

Speaker 1:

We were talking about that last year with Bagrat Serpazan and now he's old. I didn't have time to go see him last year, so we decided we're going to meet this year and do that. But with regenerative agriculture you can reverse it, but it takes a long time at least one and a half two years, but our farmers were able to reverse it.

Speaker 1:

So you know, now we have stores all the way there and that's, little by little, they started not coming back, but their life started to come back. And I was thinking about it and I'm like we're talking about oh, lab, we need to go check it, test it, this, this, that right. See how the wisdom of regular farmer didn't need any lab. They figured out what this GMO system, just naturally.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is why you go back to the natural, to natural to roots, to the roots, to our church is the root of all of that. Because that wisdom we get that with every Sunday I go, I get communion. It gets into me the Holy Spirit, you know, kind of you feel it. Plus, when it's based on the wisdom of 2,000 years, we have it before. That too, you know we were with God.

Speaker 1:

They're saying you know we became Christian 2,000 years. We have it before that too. You know we were with God. They're saying, you know we became Christian 2,000 years ago. I'm like no, we were from the beginning with God. Through hike we lost it a little bit and then we came back, it wasn't new God for us. We had that God from the beginning. You know I love that.

Speaker 2:

And I love the whole natural mentality too, because there is definitely something there that's very healing and it's going to take a while for people to maybe be aware and conscious of it. But I always pray and, as, like you, you spread awareness that there's something there that it worked and we should kind of go back to those natural roots worked, and we should kind of go back to that those natural roots.

Speaker 2:

My thing is um, if you know, school is compromised for children when they're not vaccinated. Um, the doors are shut, basically Right. Um, what advice do you give parents that are in that state?

Speaker 1:

Well, um, we were talking before we started. I fought for like 12 years against this all before people were able to see how many bills passed right. We were fighting against each bill SB 276. And you know, before they were petitioning I was in the offices, senators' offices, going to Sacramento, and all of that for 12 years. We didn't achieve anything because people were not open, were not seeing all that is coming. Or, you know, some people are thinking, oh, it's not going to be, my children are old. We each need to think because our common good is our good always.

Speaker 1:

You know, having sick children, sicker society affects all of us because we pay taxes to provide for these children, for the government, of course, when they need people just to follow the government, it's very good because the family that is dependent on the government help right. It's going to be doing what the government is telling them to do, so it's not going to be independent in their decisions and all of that. So we're not surprised that it's good for the government. But for the society, for the community, it can't be good. We all need to think for about it. You know we had very good group on Facebook Armenian parents.

Speaker 1:

You know, long time ago I was surprised. So many Armenian families. I was, I was so proud of our community that we have so many educated moms and dads, you know, who are so caring about the community. You know about each other. And of course, they didn't come there with the good thing. They came there with the someone someone's niece, someone's children got injured, damaged, you know all of that. But they wanted to do good for everyone else. They could be isolated oh, I don't have time, I need to take care of my son or a daughter or something but they were thinking about greater good and that's what I think each one of us need to do, and it's not only me. I mean I know as a you know medical professional, I know a little bit more, but most of these parents they're educated enough to be able to to do that, to do whatever they they know, whatever they know they can.

Speaker 2:

And information is easily accessible. Now, thankfully, you can get it everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Well, right information and not very right information is also easily accessible. So it's better, of course, when they are, you know, listening to informational side, going and digging. That's what I'm saying. You know each unfortunately, we all need to dig because on the surface they don't keep information.

Speaker 1:

on the surface you Google something, it gives you all the you know, fake or information that is there to deceive you before you come to the information that is really, you know, good for digesting and would lead you into the, but always helps to look at the both sides. Like I saw the damages, I started thinking okay, there are so many damages, and I checked on the you know, that Vyer's site had all the damage already enough, you know, even if it's just one-tenth of all the cases that are out there.

Speaker 2:

There still is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it's still a lot for to pay attention. So I started paying attention and then I started buying books, you know, checking the research information and all of that, and I was so in, in shock at how much, you know how much the brainwash was going one-sided, not allowing us to see, even to think about. There is another side to that story.

Speaker 2:

I want to add to this because the amount of messages that I get of moms saying I don't know what to do, I don't know what's right. What advice do you give the confused moms Should they do it or should they not do it? Okay, so tell me If she's confused, you know.

Speaker 1:

Check the insert, yeah, check the ingredients. Open up the side effects in the insert. Check all the ingredients one by one and make your decision based off of that. She shouldn't believe you or she shouldn't believe me. She doesn't know me or you. Why would anyone trust anyone? You know it's my child's health right. Why would I trust any lawyer, any doctor, anyone? Just check the original, you know.

Speaker 2:

But that's the issue. That's the issue that's the issue. They wouldn't want to. I don't think that parents. You know my fifth grade teacher, mrs Snell. I remember her until today and I'm turning 40. I'll never forget her words. You know what she told me, doctor? She said always question authority. Those words have stuck with me until today and I told my son this I said always I don't care if it's donald trump coming to you and talking to you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you always question authority our community is surviving better than others. You know why? Because we were living under soviet union and from the get-go, we don't trust, yeah, what they bring to us. We have trust, you know what? But that allows us to question a lot yeah in 2020, when COVID happened right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and then?

Speaker 1:

our war happened in Artsakh, with the leader today that we lost the war. So they allocated here in United States. I remember there was an article on Yahoo. There was an article on Yahoo. There was an article how they allocated. There were only three communities that were resistant to COVID vaccination. Armenians was one of them. Armenians was the first one. They allocated $1 million for our specifically in Armenian community. So the article was why Armenians are so resistant.

Speaker 2:

We know what was happening right in Glendale shopping malls were empty until you know they started reluctant like not following yeah.

Speaker 1:

I mean just exactly, and I was, and the article was analyzing why they would be so resistant. Because one of the reasons was that it's a diaspora that is living here and it's very connected to the motherland and because of what happened in the motherland and the current leader that lost the war is not very popular. That's why whatever he's offering to the population is not popular with the population and here they follow what's done over there. They're very connected so they're not very I'm like that's so they know all of that.

Speaker 2:

But that's what mothers and fathers need to bring up. I want that inner fighter, do you understand? So that when they're placed in that position of vaccine, vaccine, and if you're confused, then listen to that instinct. Something's telling you, something's off, and read the insert and that's what your advice is Like go and research.

Speaker 1:

If you feel something in your gut that something is not right, it's better to check it 10 times. You know not even just once. So they just glanced at it and you know the ingredients look good, but they didn't go check every ingredient. What it means, you know.

Speaker 2:

Have you done those extensive? Oh, is it gnarly. Is it horrifying Someone?

Speaker 1:

once said if you want to research something, give it to Yonana, she'll research it to death. You know, usually I go to where no one has ever been before.

Speaker 2:

I can tell you she brought like a whole book of papers. I'm going to link all the websites.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I have a lot Well because I forget the names of it.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure, and it's a lot of information too.

Speaker 1:

Of course. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I was collecting that information, but now it's kind of like most of the people know they are more aware now. Plus, there are so many studies, new studies that are coming out all the time that are showing all of that, but the problem is that deniers are still denying it. But the problem is that deniers are still denying it. So, instead of researching more, instead of checking it more closely with what's happening, if I doubt something, why don't you check it more? Why don't you research it more, instead of just denying that it really happened, like Dr Wakefield. Yeah, right, he started theorizing. He didn't say this is because of that. Wasn't his license taken away? Right, he started theorizing. He didn't say this is because of that?

Speaker 2:

Wasn't his license taken away or something? Yeah, in Britain.

Speaker 1:

First in Britain. So he started you know he's a gastroenterologist so he started noticing that he's getting more autistic children that are coming who also have gut lining. That is not in a good condition. What is that? So what is gut lining? The colon inflammation you know the children who have colon inflammation. So he started connecting that If there is that and more of these, you know, and more of these are coming in this condition, then it means there is connection between that. No one is saying it's causing it, yet you know. But before we're saying why don't you go more into them? He was calling the medical society of the you know, great britain, to pay attention to that, to start researching. That. They stripped him of license, you know, for being a good doctor who is noticing something. You know, if scientists wouldn't notice anything, we wouldn't have Newton Law. Do you feel? Like that's what's?

Speaker 2:

happening for you? Are they giving you a hard time?

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm not in traditional medical community. You know, I don't usually work with them.

Speaker 2:

I don't usually Did they ever give you a hard time for this though? Oh yeah, of course, because you're very like well-seasoned.

Speaker 1:

I was considered crazy, I was considered ban kuku on the other side. Really I was considered all of that, but now I think you know what. In Armenia it was Gardasil that helped a lot to open you know people's eyes.

Speaker 2:

Why Did they get rates of? Increased cervical cancer.

Speaker 1:

We have a lot of great people over there who were. It was their initiative and you know they were going to villages. They were busing specialists to villages to educate our farmers, our villagers, in villages, not even in the city. So we have 80-something percent refusal rate. That's wonderful. That's how much sharing educating people is doing. That's how much is effective.

Speaker 2:

Doctor, I have a question for you and this is a personal question you can choose to answer or not. It's at your comfort level. But did you ever feel like because you had extensive research and you knew something was off and you knew that all of these things were wrong and the people were kind of rejecting you for the information you had? Did you ever go through like a difficult time? I know.

Speaker 1:

I would say you know, when people see you have information that is not maybe accessible to them easy, in easy form, in easy way, or you have a lot of information that would help them, they come for that information. I never felt like the rejector would be deniers would be rejecting it. Yeah, I was arguing with Arsen Torosyan, the one who was talking in Armenia, about oh good, we need to do more vaccination. We'll prepare Erechaki Dagarnere for them, like for the babies you know what.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was like the beginning of when this leader came and people were, you know, so excited and euphoric and this guy was talking stuff like that and I was showing everyone, you know, it can't be good, because this is what they're saying, you know. So they knew that it's causing more deaths and they were still doing it. So I remember arguing with him all the time before that.

Speaker 1:

Even before this yeah wherever I would appear and people would tag me on Facebook wherever the. You know because I'm Christian, I don't pay attention to someone being offensive. You know because I know people come from different backgrounds.

Speaker 2:

They can have different very different.

Speaker 1:

You know circumstances, and I'll tell you another example on that now you know. So that's why I can keep civil discussion and provide proofs of them, and I always was thinking that the social media is a better audience, you know, instead of me going somewhere. If it's on social media, then that's the audience. You know people, it's not only for him. Many times I was thinking why do I waste so much time, you know, giving him articles and you know arguing, Trying to prove a point, until I, you know, a couple of times I asked myself and then I thought you know, it's not only him, it's all the people that will be reading this, they will open their eyes. So it's worth only him, it's all the people that will be reading this, they will open their eyes. So it's worth doing it. It's worth, you know, wasting time. It's not wasting time If it opens one more and later on, as soon as he would see anyone tagging me, he would just leave.

Speaker 2:

Really yeah he would.

Speaker 1:

just because I was, I'm putting articles, I don't care.

Speaker 2:

It's not even your opinion, it's just research and data.

Speaker 1:

I was asking for his opinion. Actually, I was posting article and I was asking him okay, what do you think about this? You know, this was all vaccine-based.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was all about vaccines. Oh my God, and he was.

Speaker 1:

It was about vaccines, mammograms. We oh my God, yeah, and he was about vaccines, mammograms. We were like a lot of things issues there and you were just throwing out research on him. Ideologists. Exactly, my job is that, you know. I want to prove my point. Here is scientific research beside it.

Speaker 2:

And I love that because I think the viewers would really respect that.

Speaker 1:

I think it's important because opinion is not valued here To be more civilized.

Speaker 1:

What helps me we had? You know, my son was always friendly with all children. He would love to play with other boys, and all of that. Only two times he told me, mom, I don't want to play with that boy. And I'm like I was so surprised that he had like, like he would never say anything like that. And I'm like, why? Because he's very um. And then I, I found out, you know, one of the boys was, uh, parents were divorced and dad was already with one someone else and mom was, you know this boyfriend, that boyfriend. So the children were without practically. You know this boyfriend, that boyfriend, so the children were without practically. You know, they're abandoned by one parent. Now they get abandoned by another one. So they need that love, they need that attention. One is not performing to the best of the parental performance, right? The other one needs to cover up that lack of love, not to make it even worse, right? So of course, that child couldn't. You know, later on he was fighting at school, he was taken to the juvenile.

Speaker 2:

you know all of that, so I'm like wow, taken to the juvenile.

Speaker 1:

You know all of that, so I'm like wow. But the other one that he was seeing. I found out that that child was injured by vaccine and he was always agitated because at home you know, of course he was damaged. The attitude towards him at home was a little bit different. He was of course spoiled, so outside of family he would expect everyone to do what he wanted to do. So that's why when I found out about that, I told him. I said see, that's why we shouldn't kind of make our impression of people. Each person has a background they might act in a way that we don't like.

Speaker 1:

But if we would be in their condition, we might act even worse.

Speaker 1:

You know, of course there are cases that it's too, you know. But you can be on the distance. So for him it was the right thing, you know, to distance himself. He didn't want to be in the middle of fights or anything, but that was. But I kind of explained it to him. So same Arsen Torosyan could have different background. What is my? It's not my business. It's God's business to judge him Correct. I'm not going to judge him, even if he's offending me. That's why it was easier for me to you know, I was never getting offended. I'm a scientist. I'm talking to another scientist. Here is M+. We need to have to put emotions aside.

Speaker 2:

Yes, rationally. I think that that's one of the biggest skills that a human being could take away is to control their emotions, but also in such a serious and such a sensitive topic. These vaccine topics are incredibly sensitive and they're serious because the confusion is real amongst people, but one of the skills I think people can take away is learning.

Speaker 2:

I think that's what you're trying to tell us, that do your research get your research on educate yourself as much as you can so that you can have these rational and civilized conversations right with people. Learn basic learn basics.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know.

Speaker 2:

Just read your inserts. Check every ingredient that's the basic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, basic for the confusion. Yes, you know um.

Speaker 2:

My question is, doctor, if anybody needs coaching or if anybody needs guidance, are you accessible?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm always accessible.

Speaker 1:

I do over the phone all over the world. Practically we do a lot of tests and everything I have I was remember I was away and I came back and I have in my mailbox I have envelopes with hair, hair, yeah. I'm opening the envelopes and my son says Mom, you're like witch of the world, what did you have hair for? Because we do the testing. The hair mineral test, you know oh my God Mineral and heavy metals test and all of that.

Speaker 1:

It was all together. They came all together while I was away, so that's amazing.

Speaker 2:

So if people want their children tested or they can just oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we do a lot of tests. I do DNA test too. That is also very helpful because one of the genes that are that is kinetic and and you know, it's MTHFR. We check two genes that are usually the most affected ones and what we find is one of the pathways is blocked.

Speaker 2:

And that's why toxins can't go out.

Speaker 1:

So it's One of two phases in liver could be blocked, you know. So that's what opening up. Another thing that I noticed is you know they say, oh, for your child to be brain healthy, you need to take folic acid, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, methylfolate.

Speaker 1:

They were giving folic acid to everyone Well, pregnant women Exactly which was not absorbing and it would block the pathways.

Speaker 2:

Is it? How different is folate from folic acid?

Speaker 1:

That's how now we switch to folate Switch to folate right Methylfolate, and I'm giving methylfolate because it's not easily absorbable.

Speaker 2:

Folic acid isn't.

Speaker 1:

Folic acid is the one that is helping, but for the body, you know, more absorbable form of it is methylfolate.

Speaker 2:

I heard that and I take a really good brand called Thorne. I don't know if you've heard of Thorne.

Speaker 1:

They have a really good methylfolate.

Speaker 2:

I heard that it cures not cures. Sorry, but it helps with DNA cells as well. Is that correct. It heals it or something so.

Speaker 1:

DNA test that we're doing is actually based on that, because people are you know they're scared for breast. You know that BRCA test, all of that. So what we're doing is it's done nutritionally, meaning that, you know, we are all born with a set of genes, right? Those genes are responsible for 10% of what's going to happen with us. 90% we can change. Yes, right, yes. So why not to concentrate on 90% and not on the 10%? But we also need to know what's in this 10%, to know what we need to be careful in 90%. That we're doing With 90% is a lifestyle, is nutrition all?

Speaker 1:

of that exercise, all of that connected in there. So the genes that we are, you know, checking are the ones that are actionable means actionable, it means that those are the ones that were researched the most and those are the ones that you can change something about it, not the gene. Gene is not going to change, of course, right.

Speaker 2:

But the epigenetics.

Speaker 1:

Part of it is going to change.

Speaker 2:

That makes more sense, epi means under gene, right.

Speaker 1:

So under gene, if I have, let's say, some people, some people can't absorb vitamin D, that's right, and they take so much and vitamin D is very. It's not easy. I don't want to say dangerous, because vitamin can be, you know, in general dangerous.

Speaker 1:

But any accumulation of that could be dangerous. It causes kidney stones, yes, if it's not absorbed. If it's not when. Kidney stones yes, if it's not absorbed if it's not when. So we check DNA for vitamin D absorbability and, if it has, if they don't absorb, they need cofactors to help absorb, like methylation, like that. Yeah, so all of these genes and imagine it's 28 genes like that that are actionable, that's what means?

Speaker 1:

actionable. So we need to know what, and, and they also make formula based on that. So any capsules is like individualized to customize yeah it's very good idea. And um the gene, um the geneticists who were working on that were from the original genome project. You know that got bought out by well Chinese, the COVID thing came out from there.

Speaker 2:

By the way, speaking of China, is it true that China they have passed a law to delay vaccinations, or is it Japan?

Speaker 1:

I have no idea. Japan, yeah, japan is very careful about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they have delayed it, so you can either do it or not. They have very bad results with Gardasil and that's what opened their eyes. Japan yeah, japan is very careful about. Yeah, they have delayed it, so you can either do it or not.

Speaker 1:

They have very bad results with Gardasil and that's what opened their eyes, like in Armenia.

Speaker 2:

I was reading that a few days ago. That's fascinating.

Speaker 1:

The COVID would be a lot more popular if Gardasil wasn't before that became unpopular in Armenia.

Speaker 2:

Gardasil is wow. Yeah, it's yeah, I have article on oh yeah, I've read so many from up to date too. Do you have that up to date on?

Speaker 1:

my on my blog. Up to date, it's been like what? Three years ago I wrote it, maybe more, I don't remember. I have, by the way, the lavash too. On lavash and how to make it with the, with the, the sourdough you can make anything from your starter.

Speaker 2:

You can make anything Gata.

Speaker 1:

And the way they're growing. The bacteria grows and you see it happy and full of life. Do you have a name?

Speaker 2:

for your starter. No, you don't, Mine's the queen, the queen, yeah, because it feeds the whole family with so much goodness, it's like the queen. Yeah, you have to feed it, take care of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I love it and I mix it with. I don't make it white, I mix it with rye. Rye is so tasty and buckwheat. Buckwheat is one of the best grains that we should have.

Speaker 2:

Grecca yeah, grecca, my daughter's favorite.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we spoke about the glyphosate, but then you know US is using a lot of glyphosate.

Speaker 2:

That's not good. In this world, organic is everything. I mean I use everything. If you can buy organic, it's essential. I mean I know a lot of people can't afford it.

Speaker 1:

Organic only is not enough. Now it, like it, needs to be pasture raised for meat. It needs to be. You know the eggs and chicken needs to be also fed. Plus, I recently had, you know, someone brought me bananas and they were like usually they're white and like yellowish, right, but I looked at them, they were a little bit gray.

Speaker 2:

Yes, have you noticed that?

Speaker 1:

And it says whole foods, it's like light yellowish the corners are gray Organic banana. I'm like something is wrong here. I could feel right away, so I started researching.

Speaker 2:

I'm telling you, please tell us, it's okay, just traumatize us, that's totally okay.

Speaker 1:

So it had a label, very weird label, with the frog on it.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Isn't that Bill Gates' new project? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, isn't?

Speaker 1:

that Bill Gates' new project Exactly. But you know, I looked at it, I looked at the website, I opened up website, started looking through it. I mean my gut feeling is telling me something is wrong here. So I was like I couldn't find anything on the website because it says rainforest. It looks like, you know, for improvement of the rainforest, something like that, and I'm like banana is connected to the rainforest right. A lot of jungles, you know people just go get banana from jungles.

Speaker 2:

Belgrade's rainforest is something different.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then a couple of weeks later we didn't eat any of those bananas. I put it to dry to see what they were not drying. Well, they got spoiled half the way on the road, you know, to being dry. So already that was. And then I came across something that it's a pill and one of the pill companies is that rainforest frog thing on there, but I'm saying they were from the. You know they looked differently.

Speaker 2:

They do look different.

Speaker 1:

They do look different, so I knew it's not healthy already.

Speaker 2:

No, no no, they look very, they're gray.

Speaker 1:

And that's what I'm, you know.

Speaker 2:

They're gray and like a very light yellow. Whole food organic is very questionable. This is the issue with me. People think that whole food is this reputable.

Speaker 1:

No, this and Trader Joe's have people who didn't get a COVID vaccine but they go buy all this produce.

Speaker 2:

And they put graphene in that produce.

Speaker 1:

So they are saying what do we do? I'm like buy at the farmer's market.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's less expensive and you're supporting someone's dream too.

Speaker 1:

I have my farmers on my Me too. Someone needed the eggs.

Speaker 2:

You have them in your phone list, do you?

Speaker 1:

want me to call my egg lady Is that the Do you go to? The Burbank one.

Speaker 2:

You go to the Burbank one.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm going to the Sherman Oaks.

Speaker 2:

It's so nice it's today. Is that the Asian lady that sells you?

Speaker 1:

the eggs I don't buy from Asians over there. No, I'm sorry, but I checked them. I have Kangen water in my house.

Speaker 2:

I checked produce of everyone over there.

Speaker 1:

They either hate me or love me, because whoever produces good, I advertise their produce so well.

Speaker 2:

Everyone's going to want the numbers to this egg lady now, do you? Understand she's gonna be like, yeah, famous.

Speaker 1:

No, not only the egg lady, but the produce over there too, you know you don't mind sharing that information if people want it.

Speaker 2:

You said it.

Speaker 1:

Now you have to, yeah, of course, but they can check themselves, you know that, yeah, no, is so yellow it's so, orange, that you know they're outside, that you know they're, you know. Plus, do a little investigation. It's just once you need to do investigation, no egg, you guys, egg needs to be orange, correct.

Speaker 2:

The yolk needs to be orange, like dark orange.

Speaker 1:

Well, not every egg is orange. They add, I think, marigold for it to be, you know but, by the nutritious value of the egg. Right For others. You know they needed to eat three and you know whoever comes to my house, they eat just one or two and like I'm full, I can't eat anymore because they're more nutritious. The protein, yeah, absolutely, and you should ask them. You should ask them how do you raise them? Show me, you know where they are, so they're going to.

Speaker 1:

No, you know, organic certificate doesn't. Like. You ask my egg lady, she says I can't certify the worm that my chicken are eating.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she says I can't do that. Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but there you know they're growing it and you should check. You can go to the farm, you should check how it. It's worth doing it one time to see if you can trust it's a peace of mind. Plus, you know you. You talk to them, you look into their eyes, you know who is lying you, who is not can you catch a liar? Yeah, oh yeah, I mean, I'm not all the time.

Speaker 2:

Of course there's some professional ones, you know some of the again gut feeling. I think what we took away from today's podcast from you is that you should always do your research. You should as much as possible. The most important thing as much as possible.

Speaker 1:

Be in a community, because you might do one part of the research. Someone else might do another part of the research. That's how we were when my son was at school. You know, he was going to little Armenian school. We were at the play date. We were exchanging information on what the movie, what movie to show, what movie not to show, you know, or what cartoon is bad for them or what is you know. That's why those play dates. That's why the homeschool societies are very important, because they need not only for the children not to be isolated but also for moms to have that community. That's the most beautiful thing. You said, yeah, the problem in United States and why I fortunately I can't. I'm looking for that light. Once the society is all broken and you know we're coming to that, unfortunately the community are broken here Europe is going to raise up after it will be completely destroyed.

Speaker 2:

Here we don't have communities.

Speaker 1:

How are you going to raise up after it will be completely destroyed? Here we don't have communities. How are you going to raise up? Correct. In Armenia it's going to be raised up In any society. It will be, you know.

Speaker 2:

And we are the cause of that. We are the direct cause of that. So many words out. This is a whole different topic, but I agree with you that it is important to be a community and why I connected with that is because the people watching this are the parents that don't want to vaccinate.

Speaker 2:

But it is up to you guys to create that community because at the end of the day, the doors are shut in your face, there's no school and there's no doctor. That will some very rare. But the option that you have is to build a community for yourself, and I have friends that have older kids, that they didn't vaccinate their children. They have hired a teacher and they're homeschooling. They have like a little school for themselves and that's the most beautiful thing. So there's always an option I want everybody to take away when you have friends there know there's so many search for a community doctors who got killed here.

Speaker 1:

No one knows what they were really working on the researching. You know why it happened, why they were killed?

Speaker 1:

But because there is no community with you know there is no way, I remember when COVID happened they were showing so many you know scary stuff on TV and all of that. I had one friend who was calling me. She was saying please talk to me, I'm so scared. I'm so every time we talk I get you know, I get better. So that is very important. That's what they're trying to do when they isolate people and then we don't know anything.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely One they're trying to do when they isolate people, and then we don't know anything about yes one absolutely.

Speaker 1:

One head is good, one brain is good, two are better because we can put on. We, yes, we complement each other right wow, thank you.

Speaker 2:

So much for today yeah, I appreciate it. It was a wonderful conversation and I hope to have you back on again.

Speaker 1:

Thank you it was an honor.

Speaker 2:

Yes, as I.