The Edit Alaverdyan Podcast

Cita Salazar | Sea Moss, Holistic Health, Natural Remedies | The Edit Alaverdyan Podcast #21

Edit Alaverdyan Episode 21

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Unlock the secrets to optimal health as we chat with Cita from Organically Kismet about the incredible benefits of sea moss. Discover how this natural wonder can address nutrient deficiencies and enhance overall well-being. Sita's transformation from a hairstylist to a holistic health coach and entrepreneur offers a compelling backdrop to her expertise and passion for sea moss. Learn about the meticulous process behind creating high-quality sea moss products and the importance of using pure ingredients to maximize its natural benefits.

Immerse yourself in Cita's personal journey and holistic upbringing, which seamlessly blend into her professional path. She shares how dealing with celiac disease led her to discover the healing properties of sea moss, transforming her health and inspiring her to start her business. Throughout our conversation, we highlight the differences between full spectrum and gold sea moss, the nutritional richness of sea moss, and how it can be seamlessly integrated into daily diets. Sita also touches on the historical significance of sea moss, from the Irish potato famine to its current revival as a health superfood.

Finally, we dive into the challenges and joys of transitioning careers and running a successful business with her daughter. Cita opens up about the misconceptions around synthetic supplements and the importance of holistic living. We discuss the pressures of motherhood, the impact of social media, and the fulfillment that comes from witnessing the positive changes sea moss brings to people's lives. Join us for an inspiring and informative episode that promises to enrich your understanding of natural health remedies.

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Speaker 1:

People are making so much money off of our sicknesses, you know, off of our diseases and you know syndromes and our just deficiencies in general.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I've traveled a lot and it's only in this country that when you walk into a market it's just like supplements.

Speaker 1:

everywhere People are like how do I take this? Like do I take it internally, do I put it on my body and we're like well, actually you can do both. I go to.

Speaker 2:

Sprouts and there was a lady there. I was like, look, I'm looking for sea moss, and she's like I would not get sea moss just anywhere. I would be very mindful, because there's a lot of fake ones apparently.

Speaker 1:

The great thing about sea moss is it steps in and it really helps to add back those minerals that we're lacking and that's why people feel so great, you know, even just within days of taking it.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone. It's so wonderful to connect with you all today. Today's episode is very special because it's something that I've been wanting to talk to you guys about, and today I got a chance to share. Today's guest was Sita from Organically Kismet. What is this? We're talking about sea moss. I'm a personal fan of sea moss and she was here today, explained all about CMOS all the vitamins, minerals in it, the benefits of it. Cmos has been found to help so many people struggling with autoimmune diseases, and more.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to bring this episode because I find it helpful. You guys wanted to hear about it, since I've been raving about it Overall. We talked so much about where it comes from, how it's made, how her company nurtures CMOS, where it's sold, exactly. So it was a very nurturing experience to sit in front of Sita, a woman entrepreneur, and talk about her small business and how she got started, how CMOS has helped her heal.

Speaker 2:

Now, one thing I wanted to clarify that when we are talking about any supplements or any foods, it's never that we are recommending for anyone to take it. We are speaking out of personal experiences, and so this was my personal experience and her experience as a creator, as an entrepreneur, and I as a consumer of CMOS. If you are thinking about taking CMOS, definitely do your own research and make sure you consult with a professional before consuming. Again, this was just a personal experience and I found it incredibly helpful, and so I wanted to bring on Sita so that she can share her experiences and her knowledge of how CMOS has helped so many people. Thank you for watching, make sure to subscribe and definitely enjoy this episode with Sita from Organically Kismet. Hi Sita, hello, it's so nice to connect with you and see you in person. Yes, thank you for having me.

Speaker 1:

Of course, I'm so excited to be here.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. I was actually have been very excited to have this conversation with you because I've tried your products and I find it very wonderful and I'm like really, really excited to dive into what this is, what it does, how you discovered this. I think that it's really meaningful and I can't wait for the audience to hear all about this. We're talking about CMOS. You guys Very excited, so tell us about yourself a little bit.

Speaker 1:

So I am, my name is Sita and I am native to Colorado. I actually moved to LA about 10 years ago, almost 10 years ago. I actually did hair for 12 years, but I always had a passion for holistic healing. I was raised in a very holistic household which really nurtured my ability to be where I am today, so I'm very grateful for that. I also have I'm a mother, so I have three children, three babies, one of which is also my partner in the business, my daughter. So that's also very, you know, fulfilling and it comes full circle. I originally, before I started my brand, I got my certification to become a health coach through IIN. That was my intention was to really, you know, help the collective heal and elevate themselves through, you know, coaching, health coaching. And then this kind of just fell in my lap and it snowballed and, yeah, we're here today with a very flourishing brand, with a superfood that is still pretty new to the market, but, yeah, it's starting to get its shine out there, which is amazing to see. That's beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Tell me about how was it growing up in a household that solely believed in holistic healing?

Speaker 1:

So it was interesting because my mom was actually the one who really nurtured that. My dad, on the other hand, was all about Western medicine, but you know my mom she being the one that really like took care of us when it came down to us like being sick and stuff, you know we would always go and see holistic practitioners and it was. It was different because, you know, I had friends that were going to the doctor and taking, you know, prescriptions for certain things and I was taking the herbs and know, drinking all the teas. So, um, it was different, but and at the time, you know, as being a kid, you want to fit in and you want to be like all your friends.

Speaker 1:

So I just remember, um, you know, always asking my mom about that and you know she was. She always told me, you know there was, there was never, there's not, no, neither one of them were wrong. You know it's always. You know what's right. There was never, there's not, no, neither one of them were wrong. You know it's always. You know what's right for the person and this was what was right for us and you know it was, it was. It was very comforting to know that too.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. Tell us a little about how you got into CMOS, like how did this just fall in your lap and you're like this is what I'm going to do.

Speaker 1:

So very interesting story. My kid's father actually had brought it to my attention and he I was. I have celiac disease, which is basically adverse reaction that I get from gluten, which you know can be found in breads, sauces, it's literally everywhere, even in cosmetics. You know I have to be very careful with that as well. So I had been dealing with that for years. Even though I had cut gluten completely out of my diet, I was still suffering with a lot of bloat and just digestive issues.

Speaker 1:

And he had found and heard about CMOS helping with that and then also helping to regulate hormones, which at the time my daughter was also kind of going through you know her own little thing having to do with her menses. And so he was like you guys need to try this. And at the time I was just so focused on my certification and growing that side of my business. I was like yeah, yeah, okay, I'll look at it when I have time. And then I actually had two clients of mine come and bring this question to me too, like, hey, have you heard of CMOS and it coming from two separate people? I was like, okay, hold on. Like there's something here.

Speaker 1:

And this was during the pandemic, which it actually gained a lot of popularity during the pandemic because it was great with expelling excess mucus. So, you know, people were looking for all the remedies, you know. And, yeah, cmos just kind of became really popular at that time. So, yeah, I had my two clients come to me and at that point I was like okay, like hold on, let me, there must be something here.

Speaker 1:

So I actually ordered some from another company at the time and I got it. I batched it up myself, took it, I made it myself, I got the raw and I created my own version of the gel and, yeah, it helped my gut. I, within days, I just felt so much relief and just me experiencing that I was like, wow, you know, because I tried everything and nothing would work. So I started making it for friends and family and then my family started sharing it with their friends and I started to see so many different benefits that people were, you know, experiencing from the gel and it varied from, you know, diabetes to weight loss, to energy production.

Speaker 1:

To you, know, skin and digestive, and so it really was hitting every aspect. You know that there was, and at that point I was like, okay, I have to bring this to the market because at that time you could really only find it online, you know, and I had tried to go into several different health food stores and there was. I't find them. And actually I did find one at the time there was one at Air One, and but that was the only place and it was a gold sea moss and that is kind of the main difference between our brand and a lot of these other brands out there is the type of actual sea moss that we use, and can you tell us about that? Sure, so we use a full spectrum CMOS which has a variety of colors. You're going to find purples, greens, blues, yellows and basically a lot of the other brands you're seeing out there right now on the market are using gold.

Speaker 1:

All the CMOS, whether it's gold or full spectrum, starts off as full spectrum. Where it really is separated is during the drying process. So with gold, how it becomes gold is it's dried out in the sun, which essentially the sun begins to bleach all the color out of it and that's how you're left with the gold moss With full spectrum. They intentionally dry in shade rooms and this allows the sea moss to really keep all the added antioxidants and it has a little bit of a higher mineral content as well. So you're getting, you know, added chlorophyll, anthocyanins. So that's what you find in blueberries, red cabbage, purple cabbage, and then the beta carotene.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's amazing. Yeah, when is CMOS found? Educate us a little bit.

Speaker 1:

CMOS. A little history on CMOS. So CMOS can be found on the shores, on the coastlines from the North Atlantic all the way down to the Caribbean. It's in the ocean, it comes from the ocean. The term Irish sea moss actually came from during the 1800s when the Irish were going through the potato famine. They actually came and used sea moss to help people from starving because you know they were going through this famine and they had this amazing sea vegetable that they used to actually help people pull through this difficult time back then Of starvation, of starvation and that is how it got the term Irish sea moss.

Speaker 2:

Oh wow, that's amazing. I actually just to kind of comment on that I noticed that when I am hungry, just a teaspoon, it keeps me so fulfilled. Yeah, and it's really interesting that I immediately went to oh my God, if they were starving and they were eating this. Yeah, absolutely, it does keep you fulfilled and full for hours. It's like a super food. So what's in this gorgeous sea moss?

Speaker 1:

So we have eight different blends that we carry, but essentially in our original it's just sea moss and reverse osmosis water, so you're just literally getting the algae and the water and that is it. So. But what makes it so fascinating and just so great for every single body is that it really, to me, I feel like it acts as an adaptogenic meaning. It really goes in and helps and aids that individual where they're needing it, you know. So if you have somebody that is struggling, you know, with their thyroid, it's going to go right in and help with their thyroid.

Speaker 1:

That's me. And if you have somebody that's, you know, struggling with digestive issues, that's where it's going to go and it's really going to nurture that and help to you know, go and it's really going to nurture that and help to you know, make it. You make your body just feel good, you know. You know some people struggle with energy production. It goes in and helps with that. So it really just depends on the individual. And that's why I really really fell in love with CMOS, because it's just, it truly is a superfood and it's a new and up and coming superfood, which is so exciting to see it start at the bottom and just work its way back into the light.

Speaker 2:

It really is. Now, before I dive into this, what I wanted to talk about is that our body needs 102 minerals correct, Correct To be able to function. Cmos has 95 of them.

Speaker 1:

So okay. So yes, that's been the huge. So you hear everybody saying that you know, CMOS has 95, or I think it's 92, of the 102 that your body needs yes. And in the beginning I was also saying that, but I like to reframe that Please, because, realistically, because it is a sort of a plant, it's not a plant, which is another thing we can talk about, because I think there's a lot of confusion around that too.

Speaker 1:

But you know it is a live, living vegetable. It's going to contain different amounts of minerals every single time. Not one, not to any.

Speaker 2:

Two jars are the same you know as far as mineral count goes. So it's not specific like, oh, there's this much iodine. It just varies what the plant takes.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. So I reframe that and I love to say now that it has over 90% of, you know, the vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Another thing with my company I'm all about transparency, you know, which to me is huge. As a consumer myself of other supplements, you know I love when I find companies that are transparent. You know companies that are doing their due diligence and getting third-party testing and being transparent with their consumer and as far as what they're actually getting out of their product. So I stopped saying that for that reason, because I'm like you know, I actually can't prove this, you know. So what I can prove is that it does have over 90% of what we're looking for and to kind of go into that, you know, some of the stars of the show would be zinc, which is great for immunity. It's great for skin health as well. We have potassium magnesium. I would say that actually I was shocked by this because you know you hear a lot about CMOS and iodine, it being high in iodine, which is why it's also great for the thyroid.

Speaker 1:

But I actually, through several of our tests, I was like I constantly was seeing calcium, like just shining, and I was like, wow, this has so much calcium in it, you know. So it's great for your teeth, your bones. It's just, it's so incredible, all the way around.

Speaker 2:

It is incredible. I mean, also, there's this other factor, that it's about experience too. It's about experiencing it and seeing what it really does and it's genuinely helped me so much. So, you guys, just a backstory. The reason, well, how I found CETA is I went to a market, purchased it and I was like this stuff is amazing, this is phenomenal. And this is my personal experience.

Speaker 2:

Obviously, we're not telling people stop your medications, take it. Not at all whatsoever. You guys need to be able to do your research, see if it's right for you. Speaking from my personal experience, I stopped my thyroid medication, levothyroxide, and I was like I'm going to stop because I know it's going to literally hit my liver. I was taking it while I was pregnant too, and then I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease.

Speaker 2:

It was just like constantly feeling so tired, just tired, like lack of energy, so much going on in my body, like mood swings. I'm like, let me just try this. So like I was researching and I found out so many phenomenal things, but it's just it's not everywhere everywhere. And so I go to Sprouts and there was a lady there. I was like, look, I'm looking for CMOS. And she's like I would not get CMOS just anywhere.

Speaker 2:

I would be very mindful because there's a lot of fake ones apparently, right, yeah. So I was like, okay, where can I get it? And they mentioned this market and I was like, okay, I just reached out to you, I think, just naturally. I was like I'm not even going to, I'm just naturally, I was like I'm not even gonna, I'm just gonna reach out to her, and then you answer it and so grateful. But I'll tell you this I was so heartbroken that I had to be on medicine for like a long time because of my Hashimoto's right. I don't know how, but this thing is like God's work, I promise you I feel so much better. Just a teaspoon every day in the morning on an empty stomach. It literally has changed my life and how good my body feels.

Speaker 1:

You're doing like such God's work, I don't know if you received that these stories never get old and honestly, this is like so, outside of anything else, this is what I do it for, you know is I love hearing this because it truly is so incredible and it helps so many people, and I just I just I love that.

Speaker 2:

I love hearing that. Absolutely. It's helped me a lot. So do you feel comfortable to talk about maybe some of the minerals in here? Yeah, sure, other than like what stands out, what makes CMOS so amazing?

Speaker 1:

So I think, well, we can kind of back up and go into why there are so many sick people out there. You know, we are, for one, mineral deficient like no other. We're just not getting it from our foods anymore. No matter how clean you eat, no matter how organic you eat, it's just not in the soil anymore. You know, which is very unfortunate. And this is what makes CMOS so great.

Speaker 1:

As you know, not only is it a great supplementation to our diets, but it's in whole food form, which and people are like OK, what does that mean? So, basically, when it comes down to your body absorbing all the minerals within it because it's literally like eating your food your body is going to be able to absorb all of that, all the goodness. When you're taking supplements, you know that are processed in labs it's a little more difficult for our bodies to identify it, you know, and absorb it fully. So that's really what stands out about our product and you know I've not only that, but just we it's so clean. Our product is so, so clean. There's no fillers, there's no preservatives, there's no artificial colors. We do get the question a lot because our colors are so vibrant and there's so many different ones. It all comes from food, all comes from herbs. Nothing synthetic about it, but so yeah.

Speaker 1:

So the great thing about sea moss is it steps in and it really helps to add back those minerals that we're lacking, and that's why people feel so great, you know, even just within days of taking it. It's because it's really adding in something that is so essential to us being who we are and just our health and being able to wake up every morning and, just, you know, live our lives. But I would say there isn't necessarily any one mineral that's better than the other. I think they're all needed. But I will definitely say that calcium is one of the stars within this, as well as zinc. It's great for immunity. Calcium is great for the bones, your teeth. We have magnesium. It's great for your muscles, your nerves phosphorus it's like a multivitamin.

Speaker 1:

It truly, truly is. And it also has some vitamins in there as well. You know it has beta carotene, which turns into vitamin A. It has vitamin C. There's so you know, iron that's in there, which is great for your blood. Is this safe for children? It is. It is, you know, smaller doses, of course, but yes, it is, it's just it's. And, like I said again that what's great about our CMOS is it's in food form, so it's literally it's part. It's becoming, or what I like to see it doing is just becoming a staple in everybody's. You know everyday life, Just like we wake up and eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, you know we're having our CMOS as well, because it is that crucial especially at a time like now.

Speaker 2:

You know Absolutely and sorry to cut you off actually, but I've seen people make like ice cream. They top it on ice cream desserts. It's just fascinating.

Speaker 1:

So you can cook with it. I think when it comes down to the sea moss, because it is so new, still people are like how do I take this? Like, do I take it internally?

Speaker 2:

Do I put it on my body and we're like well, actually I know people have a hard time consuming it because of the gel format. I've had friends that I've gotten. They bought it. They're like how do you do this every?

Speaker 1:

day. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you know, I think, more than the taste, it's the texture the texture, yeah, and myself, even me, like I, have a hard time because of the texture. So I, we always like to educate our customers. You know, mix it. Mix it into smoothies, juices, teas, even your water. You can add it. I love to do a dollop of our piece which has it's like a citrus mint flavor to it. It goes great in water. I just add it to my water in the morning and sip on that and I know I'm getting my minerals. You know, Wow. But yeah, there's so many different ways you can take it. I will just say that if you do, you know, cook with it or you add it to a tea or coffee, that you don't do it when it's scalding or boiling because because it is live and raw, it will start to kind of dwindle the nutrients within it, just like vegetables. You know, the more you cook vegetables, you know the less of the nutrients you're actually going to receive from it.

Speaker 2:

But would you say it's better to add a teaspoon of it after, like you're making your soups and stuff, so that, yeah, okay yeah, so you know, um, usually, if it's like simmering or you've turned it off all the way, um, then you can add it.

Speaker 1:

You know, towards the end, but you don't want to, you don't want to cook it, you know, yeah yeah, yeah, how long has simos been around?

Speaker 2:

oh gosh, you know, because I know dr sebi is it, he was talking about it, and then Lisa Left Eye Lopez, I think was it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, yes, yes, she had lupus, and she swore by this.

Speaker 2:

Yes, there's interviews of her saying how this has, just like, helped her lupus so much and she's only eating CMOS.

Speaker 1:

I have several customers that have written us, you know, that have had lupus or rheumatoid arthritis and they swear by our um. We have two blends that I keep seeing that are very common with those um autoimmune disease disorders. Um, and it's our blue magic, and um our pure gold. So our pure gold is our anti-inflammatory blend. It has ginger turmeric added in there.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's the one I take.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's amazing. And it tastes really, really, really good that one, and then the Blue Magic has spirulina in it, so those two. I hear that nonstop when it comes to lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing. Why do you think that this is not blowing up what's going on here? A?

Speaker 1:

whole lot of censoring, you know, and it's very hard. Just like you know, it's censoring as far as it's not getting shared or put out there. When it comes to, like, let's say, social media, right, there's only so much that's actually being shared, I feel like, and then a lot more of it is kind of being hidden or put on the back burner. So, basically, exposure it comes down to exposure. It's just not getting you know, it's exposure.

Speaker 1:

It can make it a little more difficult, you know, but I find I still think that there's hope, you know, for this, and it's great. We're actually, this year, we are starting an affiliate program through our company, which I feel like is going to do wonders for, you know, bringing this to the masses as well, you know, and also allowing people that are all over the country to purchase this, because, you know, right now we're local to LA and we're in probably over about 40 supermarkets out here, extending from Santa Barbara all the way down to San Diego. But I also want people that are not in LA to be able to experience this, so we also ship nationwide, which is great. So, no matter where you are, you can experience this goodness.

Speaker 2:

How this has changed. People Like how has that affected you as a person, as a human being?

Speaker 1:

It's just. It's so much more fulfilling than I ever thought it would be. To be honest, you know I wanted to get into the health coaching world because I wanted to make a difference and help people. Why was that? I think just because of what I had experienced.

Speaker 1:

You know, as far as dealing with my celiac, when you have an autoimmune disorder, or even just when you're going through it, when it comes to your health, it can be very isolating and it can feel, you know, like you're the only one. It's just very. It can be very daunting, scary, like there's no, you know, end to it. And I really wanted to change people's perspective of that. And, you know, help people really see that you know, all of us like we all go through something at some point, you know and just really helping people get through it and get to the other side a little easier, you know, is really, really important to me. And you know, being able to bring a product to market that is also doing this is just. It makes me so happy and I just couldn't be more fulfilled for that. Yeah, do you feel like this was your calling? I truly do. I truly truly do.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think, because I had tried so many different things. You know, I did hair for 12 years. When I moved to LA, I did real estate for a little while. I tried all the things, trying to find my calling or my purpose right, and I just felt like I was always met with so much resistance at some point or another, or just not feeling right, full, if that makes sense, you know. And when it came to doing the health coaching, I started to feel that I started to see that like spark, like okay, like this feels good, like I know I'm going to help make a difference in people's lives, like this feels really really good to me.

Speaker 1:

And then when my product, when I developed my products, you know, it really just evolved so quickly and the way that it expanded was just so naturally, um, that it was so natural that I was like, okay, this is it, like this is just happening and it's happening so it's. There's so much ease behind it, you know, and I truly that's what really makes me feel like okay, this is it, this is where I'm supposed to be, I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, and don't get me wrong, you know, during the developing of it and just getting it into supermarkets. Yeah, there were challenging times. You know difficult times. It's a you know. I think any entrepreneur knows that. You know you ride the waves.

Speaker 2:

The beginning gets difficult?

Speaker 1:

of course it is, and you know there's always some fire to be put out, you know. But at the end of the day it really was very smooth, you know and yeah.

Speaker 2:

I just it feels so good and I love seeing people feel good as well. Yeah, I bet it is very fulfilling. You know, in the last couple of years I've noticed such a decline in our nutrition. It's so hard Like there's just so much a disease spiking up, even after COVID too. But I was reading a recent article and it had stated something about America which was kind of shocking to me. I mean, it's not a surprise but I was kind of offended to read it. But it said you know, only in America you'll find right when you step into the market there is like a huge supplement section.

Speaker 2:

Like it's nowhere. Think about it. I mean, I've traveled a lot and it's only in this country that when you walk into a market, it's just like supplements everywhere. It's not like this in Europe. It certainly isn't like this in Armenia, my country like it's food. What do you think is happening? Since you're a health coach, like, I'm curious to know your thoughts about this. Like it was just all about supplements now.

Speaker 1:

Vitamin supplements. Well, at the end of the day I think it comes down to and as unfortunate as it is is money. You know people are making so much money off of our sicknesses, you know, off of our diseases and you know syndromes and our just deficiencies in general. You know, and that's really for me where I wanted to separate myself from the rest of the supplement, you know category, where actually, if you look at our jars, we don't have a supplement supplemental facts on there, and that is because we have a nutrition facts on there and that's because, again, I like for people to look at whole, at CMOS as a food, not a supplement. You know. And for that reason, because you know there's, you walk down the supplement aisle and you know first off, there's just so many different options.

Speaker 1:

And you're like what do I like? What is right? What is this? Ok, this has this, this has this, and a lot of the times, we, as the consumers, we can't even pronounce half of the you know the words that are in the ingredients and that's a scary thing. You know the words that are in the ingredients and that's a scary thing. You know, and we're trusting, just because you know certain influencers are saying this is great, you know, take this. We're like, okay, we'll take this. And it's like have we actually done our due diligence and taken a look at that ingredient list and seen what is actually in there?

Speaker 1:

And is this actually doing our body more harm than it is good? You know, and I think it a lot of. It also comes down to the placebo effect. You know, people are truly taking supplements and causing themselves to believe that it's actually doing something and they're feeling better, for and I think that's why people do start to feel better for a short while and then it kind of like falls off and they're like, okay, this thing isn't working anymore and that's because it never really has. It was just your.

Speaker 1:

Our minds are so powerful, you know and just the thought alone, you know that this pill could do wonders will start to change our bodies. You know, with just that thought alone. So it's like. But over time, you know, the truth comes out and it's just not. You'll see that it's not really doing what it was said it was to do so that's one thing that I think not with just our brand, but any brand you know that you're taking take a look at those ingredients, see what you're actually consuming you know, and be very mindful of that Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

It is very important. It is very important. I feel like also, people are waking up now. They know exactly, like about GMO and like what's like sprayed on our food and like all the pesticides, and like what's good and what's bad, and I think people genuinely like when I posted that you're coming to the show, do you the amount of women I swear, I'm not kidding you the amount of women that messaged me saying oh, my god, you're doing God's work. This is amazing, like it's, it's, it's fascinating. I'm very grateful, but also I feel sad like people don't know what to buy anymore, what to eat, what not to instantly. They're like okay, this supplement, that supplement People are genuinely scared.

Speaker 1:

They are, and you know, at the end of the day, I'm confused we're so.

Speaker 1:

each of us are so different, our bodies are so different. What I need is completely different from what your body may need and, you know, not one supplement is going to be able to completely come in and just like. It's almost like we're looking for that magic pill now in a natural form, essentially. You know, and it's just like we as the consumers, or you know, people that are buying these supplements just have to really look at even the amounts of what we're trying to receive is like, okay, is this an adequate amount? For you know what I'm needing? Because you'll find that too. You know you'll find supplements that say, oh, this has. For we could take CMOS, for example. There's a million, there's so many brands out there right now that are selling CMOS and they're going and looking for ways to sea moss and they're going and looking for ways to reinvent the wheel as far as making it you know, easier to travel with um or taste better, but ultimately it's truly changing what the sea moss is.

Speaker 1:

Because you go and you look at these supplements, you know and there's like a fraction of what you would find in the actual gel within these you know other supplements. So it's just really taking a look at the label Like we have to do our work, we have to do our part in that way, you know, and just really make ourselves aware of what we're buying and taking and putting into our bodies.

Speaker 2:

Is this okay to consume for the rest of your life, since it is a super food?

Speaker 1:

Yes, I would like to say yes, and people have been, you know, in the Caribbean. This is part of their diet, you know, this is food to them, and there's so many cultures around the world that use it sea moss for different things. You know, in China, in Greece, they take sea moss baths because it's very soothing to the skin and very nourishing when applied topically. So that's another cool thing is sea moss, it's a mask. Yep, literally.

Speaker 2:

You can use it as a mask.

Speaker 1:

You can use it as a hair mask as well, face mask. I love to take it because sea moss can be on the pricier side of things, so you're not just going to want to take a whole jar and just lather your whole body up. But I, you know, I like to mix it, take it into whatever let's say, scrubs that I. I like to make my own scrubs, but if I, if you have a scrub that you love, you know, add it into your scrub and it just it really enhances you know, what you're already loving and you'll find so much moisture, you know, instant moisture, that's so beautiful.

Speaker 2:

I just literally, I was watching some of your posts and you had stated like you can put this on your skin. It, you know, enhances collagen glow, like all of that. So I'm definitely going to try. Thank you for this, asita. Can you tell us how you make it?

Speaker 1:

Sure, so we have. So, first off, I got to shout out my team because you know, it's not just me behind the CMOS, I have a whole team, you know, a team of amazing women that go in and put so much love into this. Amazing women that go in and put so much love into this. And and honestly, it's so funny because so many people are like, you know, we've tried getting our own raw and like making it and it's the exact same, like it's your brand, it's your like, but it tastes so different.

Speaker 1:

Like what are you guys doing? You know, and I, just, I truly believe in energy transfer.

Speaker 1:

I talk to my girls about this all the time, you know, and when we're providing a product that is supposed to elevate or heal the individual, you know we want to make sure we're pouring the best intentions into every single jar. So back to your question on how we make it. We have a very, very thorough process. You know, we inspect the sea moss, we rinse the sea moss multiple times. Where do you get them from? I'm sorry, the sea moss? We source our sea moss from St Lucia and we work very, very closely with our farmers as well, which I actually love because I have more of an insight on how it's being grown. You know any, all the process, from start to finish, literally from the sea to the um, the supermarket. You know it's where I'm involved in every single process, which is important to me, you know, and I think it's also important to our customers, you know, and they really value that Um. But yeah, so we have um, so we have a whole process.

Speaker 1:

I think what really sets us apart is our dedication to making sure that. You know we're taking the sea moss and we're rinsing it so well, we're going through and picking out any impurities, you know, that are found within there it so well. We're going through and picking out any impurities you know that are found within there. And then also are the infusions that we blend with the sea moss gel. We have several different herbal infusions that we use to boost the sea moss's already natural ability to function within our bodies. So we, you know, we go in. I curated every single one of these blends myself, just intuitively. You know what really felt good and it just has always turned out amazing. So, without giving up too many secrets, yeah, of course. Yeah, we go through. You know, we rinse our sea moss, we soak it, we like to soak it for at least 15 hours.

Speaker 1:

Wow, I like to soak it for at least 15 hours. I feel like that really has a lot to do with how our consistency comes out, yeah, and then we blend. You know, we blend away with whether we're making our original which is just the water, you know with the sea moss, or you know adding our herbal infusions into it.

Speaker 2:

Why do you think?

Speaker 1:

I mean, why does it require specific water? That's a great, great question. I love this question because for the longest time people were saying you know, if your sea moss is being made with anything outside of spring water, it is don't take it, don't use it. And you know, we were using spring water in the beginning and it, just as we grew and as the demand increased, it was becoming very difficult to source. You know, the proper spring water that I would like to use.

Speaker 1:

So I actually did. I went down this whole rabbit hole of water and it's incredible, how, tell me? Oh, my goodness. So there's actually a local company that we work with in LA. They're called the Water Plant. It's an amazing facility. They have so many different types of waters there and the owner actually, you know, I sat down and I talked to her and she explained to me about the different waters and you know the uses of the different waters.

Speaker 1:

And then, just also through my research, I had found that reverse osmosis, when it comes down to changing the chemistry of the sea moss or any plant in general, you know, any plant that you're growing, whether it be in your garden or your plants at home, it's one that doesn't affect it the most. So, and just me finding that out, I was like okay, wow, this is. This is incredible, you know, and which is why we lean towards reverse osmosis. It keeps the sea moss in its most purest, you know, unchanged as far as like structure goes, and it's just. It's just. You're getting sea moss for what it is Exactly, you know there's no change to it.

Speaker 2:

It's not compromised Exactly.

Speaker 1:

And you know the spring water. A lot of people were saying the spring water for the minerals within it. Sea moss has all the minerals and more that you could ever need. You know the spring water a lot of people were saying spring water for the minerals within it. Sea moss has all the minerals and more that you could ever need you know.

Speaker 2:

So you're already getting that from the sea moss, reverse osmosis water, right? That's very interesting, that's not. I mean, is that alkaline? No, it's different, isn't it? It's different? Yeah, no, it's different, isn't it? It's different.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so basically reverse osmosis they're going in and pulling everything out of it, basically. That's why, when it comes down to, as far as I know, drinking reverse osmosis isn't the most beneficial because it has literally nothing in it.

Speaker 2:

Is there.

Speaker 1:

No like electrolytes.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah nothing. Everything is stripped from no like electrolytes. No, yeah nothing.

Speaker 1:

Everything is from all the components okay, yeah, and you're just left with the, with the water, the purest farm, the filtered water, if you will.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, it's, it's not alkaline, okay I'm curious to know since you are very holistic, I mean since you grew up in a very holistic household and you are the head of the CMOS world currently, do you still? I mean, are you still holistic? Do you still I am, or?

Speaker 1:

do you feel like you know I am? I live the majority of my life or I try to in the holistic realm, but I do also believe in Western medicine. I believe that there is a time and place for Western medicine. So I'd be lying if I said I didn't mess with Western medicine at all. But no, I do Very, very rare. I try to hit all the natural remedies first, but at the end of the day, you know, we have to do what's best for our bodies you know, and sometimes that is taking a prescription, you know.

Speaker 2:

That's true, that's true. Are you still doing health coach? I'm not. No, I'm not.

Speaker 1:

And I did. I just, you know, I just did not have the time for it. My plate was so full between, you know, my business and my babies. It was just, it wasn't. I am still trying to find the balance, you know, between it all. But one day I hope to get back into that world. You know, I don't know that it would necessarily be like one-on-ones, but it would definitely. I would definitely like to dabble in that. What is your advice?

Speaker 2:

to moms Like what is like a good component of like vitamins, minerals, food. I mean, is it like tell us, educate us a?

Speaker 1:

little bit about that side. When it comes down to being a mom, you know, I think we get so consumed with our littles that we tend to forget about ourselves a lot, and whether that be just, you know, finding and doing what brings us peace or, you know, makes us happy to even just nourishing our own bodies, you know, and I think you know, we can't pour from an empty cup. So I would say, definitely remember to pour into yourself first, because if you don't, you're not going to have it to. You know, to spread to your littles and for as long as you need to, you know. So, making sure you know you're eating properly, you're taking time out for you, you know, and it could be the simplest acts, you know, whether you like to read, some people like to work out, some people like to draw, just whatever is going to fill your cup in that moment, you know, is I feel like what we need to do more of, and not feel guilty for it, because I know there was a time when I was like, no, like I have to like all my focus has to be on them. But then, you know it got to a point when I was like, no, like I have to, like all my focus has to be on them.

Speaker 1:

But then, you know, it got to a point where it was just like, wow, like how can I? I can't pour from this empty cup. You know, I have to. I have to make sure that I continuously pour into mine as well. That's so true. And give yourself grace. You know, we're not. None of us are perfect and no matter what social media portrays it's like, we all go through it as moms, you know, and not one of us is perfect, but we are perfect for our children.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's something that's very beautiful and I've learned that in my experience of being a mom Like you, might not feel perfect, but you're perfect for your kid. Yeah yeah, that's so beautiful. Well, thank you so much. This was so powerful. I absolutely love hearing you talk about CMOS and you guys organically kismet yes, Look for us.

Speaker 1:

Eventually we will be in markets across country. That is like one of the goals that I have, you'll get there. And we will Of course you will Well.

Speaker 2:

thank you so much, sita.

Speaker 1:

This was so beautiful and it's an honor to meet you Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

You guys get your hands on CMOS Organically Kismet. I'll link all your information so that people can have access to it.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, thank you so much, yay. ©. Bf-watch TV 2021.