The Edit Alaverdyan Podcast

Alberto Crane | Perseverance, Parenting Support, Mental Health | The Edit Alaverdyan Podcast #25

Edit Alaverdyan Episode 25

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How do we remain steadfast in the face of life’s inevitable setbacks? This episode takes a deep dive into the gritty realities of resilience, using personal travel misadventures and financial ups and downs to highlight the lessons learned. We bring to the forefront the growing mental health crisis among children and young athletes, exacerbated by societal pressures and dwindling public therapy resources. Parents are urged to create nurturing and supportive environments, understanding that children often cannot advocate for themselves. Through heartfelt personal stories and honest reflections, we underscore the necessity of unconditional love and genuine support for children, irrespective of their performance or achievements.

From chaotic airport tales to the emotional rollercoaster of financial success, we navigate through the complex interplay between external pressures and internal well-being. The alarming rise in depression rates among children and adolescents is discussed, emphasizing the importance of recognizing physical symptoms as clues to deeper psychological issues. Authenticity and resilience emerge as pivotal in personal development, with a call to parents to be vigilant advocates for their children’s mental health. Above all, we stress the essential role of compassionate parenting—offering unwavering love and support in both triumphs and failures, setting a firm foundation for children’s overall well-being. Join us for an episode that champions the transformative power of empathy and steadfast support in parenting.

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Speaker 1:

I lost. I lost a lot. I would have to travel, I'd have to sleep, sometimes in airports. I didn't have a lot of money. People would believe in me, they'd even help me get there, and I'd have to come back and tell them yeah, I lost. What I'm proud of now, it was like the best life lesson that I ever received in my life, which was like losing and not giving up.

Speaker 2:

There is a big decline. I'm looking at it from a therapeutic perspective.

Speaker 1:

Like kids are going through so much depression, there's all these intrusive thoughts that have physical symptoms 70% of kids that grow up they end up quitting the sport because the parents push too much and they don't know that line of coaching and being a parent and loving the kids. How would I tell somebody Just love your kids, Win or lose, just love your kids and support them.

Speaker 2:

It's important for parents to be aware and create a really healthy atmosphere for their kids, because essentially kids can't do it themselves. You aware and create a really healthy atmosphere for their kids, because essentially, kids can't do it themselves.

Speaker 1:

You're your child's voice. Like my students, I have to say it, I have to be real and I have to not care what they're going to think about me. I'm going to tell you how I feel because I love you and I want you to do good. I want you to be your best. You can call it tough, no-transcript.

Speaker 3:

I don't have to Try one. I have to switch to. I'm an ape hopefully Even me. Maybe Get there. You know I have to come back. I lost what I'm proud I'm a part of. Now I'm just the best, just worthless and dead. I have received my life, which was like music.

Speaker 4:

I think I'm not giving up there is a big decline in my perspective, my kids are going through so much depression perspective. My kids are going through so much depression.

Speaker 3:

There's all these thoughts and I have physical symptoms 70% of kids is the quote in the sport, because the kids prepare to coach a match in the road Little brother Line of coaching and being a parent and mother. What I tell someone Me? I just love the kids. When I lose, I just love the kids. I just love the kids.

Speaker 4:

It's important for parents to be aware and create a really healthy atmosphere for their kids, because, essentially, kids can't do it themselves. You're your child's voice.

Speaker 3:

So I have to say it will, and I have to not care what they're gonna think about. I'll tell you why I'm sorry. Yeah, because I. I love you Arnie, I love you too Zara, I love you Anna, I love you too Vera, I love you too, carl. I'm a good boy, I'm so good. Just one forever. No-transcript. No-transcript. I don't have to go Travel Travel. I have to sleep soon. I was in the airport Waiting. I was in the airport. I have a lot of money. I have a lot of money. I have a lot of money. I have a lot of money. I have a tomato. I'm lost and I'm part of Now. I'm like the best, I'm not the best. I'm not the best. I'm not the best. I'm not the best. I'm not the best. I'm not the best. I'm not the best. I'm not the best. I'm not the best, I'm not the best. I have received my life which is like losing. You cannot give it up there is a big dick hole.

Speaker 4:

I know that Perspective. My kids are going through so much depression. There's all these like intros. Depression.

Speaker 3:

There's always like intrepid they have physical symptoms 70% of kids end up quitting in the sport. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm gonna be a Panic in love. I've gotta tell somebody Me I just love the kids. When I lose, I just love it.

Speaker 4:

The kids and stuff like that. It's important for parents to be aware and create a really healthy atmosphere for their kids Because, essentially, kids can't do it themselves. You're a. You're a child's voice.

Speaker 3:

The my students are. I have to say I have to Be real, you will, and I have to not care what they're gonna think about. I'm telling you this I love you and I want you. I trust you and I love you. I see you hot. S and P, just one, forever. No-transcript, no-transcript. I don't have to check. I'm not after drugs. I'm not after drugs. I'm not after drugs. I'm not after drugs. I'm not after drugs. I'm not after drugs. I'm not after drugs. I'm not after drugs. I'm not after drugs. I'm not the airport. I was in the airport. I have a lot of money. I hope you, even me, baby, can all get there. I'm a hulk in here and manifest contaminant and lost. What I'm proud of now is like the best Now what the bad? Best life lesson ever I will receive my life, which is like music and I give it up.

Speaker 3:

There is a big decline. I never be happy Enough. There is a big decline in public therapy.

Speaker 4:

Good perspective why kids are going through so much depression. There's all these like thoughts that have physical symptoms, have physical symptoms.

Speaker 3:

70% of kids need zero quitting in the sport. Sport, because the kid, the person that you never know why, those kids shouldn't be a pattern. But when the kids tell somebody, I just love the kids, the kids. When I lose, I just love them. The kids want some.

Speaker 4:

It's important for parents to be aware and create a really healthy atmosphere for their kids, because essentially, kids can't do it themselves. You're a child's voice.

Speaker 3:

My students have to say I have to be real and I have to not care what they're gonna think about me. I'm tired enough. Yeah, because I, I love you and I what you did there. I should be about Ass in the hole. I'm back, I'm back, no-transcript.